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and his Son !fefus [hrift. marching under Mofe,'sBanner, and being further Explanations uf his Speech,~ they altogether have a joint united Force, as fo many twtfied Cords, or as fo ~ many fmaller, they contribute their Waters into the fame great Stream, and Channel. r. For thofe Words ufed about the whole Creation, Gen. r. r, 2, 3· In the be– ginning God created the Heaven, and the Earth. And the Earth w.u witho11t [or111, and void, and DarA!'efl WM 11pon the Face ofthe Deep: and the Spirit ofGodmoved upon the Face ofthe Water;. And God foid, Let there be Light; and there was Light. Thefe.Words being prefaced to the whole ofthe Creation, many judici– ous Divines inGll upon them, as denoting the hand that each Perfon had m the whole Work ofCreation, and this is no lefs back'd by other Scriptures, which follow. The Father is faid to create aU things by fefos Chrijl, Eph-3-9: And the Son is faid to create, Heb.r. Vnto the Son hefoys, Thy Throne, 0 God, is for ever, and ever, ver.8. And God, even thy God hath anointed thee with the Oilo{Giadnefs above thy FeUows, ver.g. And, Tho1t L'lrd in the beginning hafllaidthe Foundation ofthe E.,th : and theHeavens are the Wor/q of thine Ha11ds,v. ro. And the Holy Ghofi is faid to create, Pfol. 104. 30. Tho1t findeft forth thy Spirit, they are created: and thou reneweft the raceof the Earth. And the word Etohim being ufed of each Perfon fingly, tho it be a Word ofthe Plural Number: yet, as whenMagifirates are !hied ElohhJt, Pfal. 82. 6. I have foid, ;•ou are Gods : Each Magifirate may be called Elohim; fo applied to each Perfon fingly, it may be faid, that Elohim the Father Created, and Elohim the Son created, CN. Creation being an Action thatiscommon to the Perfonsjointly. Both the Plural in the Word, c•nS~ God, and the Singular in the Word N1:J Created, are fitly joined then, when the Great, and materially the General Work ofthe Creation ofthe whole World vifible and invifiblc, made out ofnothing immediately, is firO: fpoken of: as this of creating both Heaven and Earth in the beginning, was. And the Creation in a fingular manner is common to the Three, without a fpecial Appropriation to any one ofthe three. And then the Argument for this Interpretation will run thus, that who created Heaven and Earth, is that Elohim of whom Moji1 did fpeak ; but out ofother Scriptures it is plain, that the Father; the Son, and the Holy GhoO: created Heaven, and Earth ; and therefore thefe Words of Elohim, are fpoken ofall Three. t ·will not utterly leave out that Argument from the firfi Words, God created, which many judicious ond holy Divines infifi upon. That the Word o•nS~ God, is in the Plural Number, fignifying more than one; and yet N1:J Created is in the Singular, becaufe that the Perfons were in a Plurality, or more than one; but the Verb Created,was in the Singular, to notify the Unity and Onenefs of the God-head. But there are fo many exceptions againfi this, which have broken the Wards of the Lock, that it is difficult to find a Key which !hall open it. I con– fefs, I like not to fay ofthe Perfons, that they are Gods in the Plural : to fay of each Perfon fingly, that he is God, that is Cafe, but it is not fo to fay ofthem, that they are Gods. It founds a Diverfity ofthe God-head, as well as DillinCl:ion of the Petfons. The Word Cl'i'l'~ Elohim therefore, tho in the Declenfion of it it be of the Plural Number, yet in the fenCe of it 'tis a Singular, fometimes ufed to fignify the God-head, fometimes applied to each of the Perfons fingly, and fo no Argument can be fetch'd from it. Bur the Argumem I urge from thefe three Verfes is, That in tliem the three Perfons are difhnttly rehearfed in the Work ofthe Creation. FirO:, the Father, in that laying, God created Heaven and Eartb: which Work of Creation is more generally attributed to.the Father; as in our Creed, I believe in God the Father :A/o1ighty, the Mak._er ofHeaven and Earth, &c. Then the Son, who is the Word ofthe Father,. by whom he made aU things, Eph. 3· 9· is hiddenly covered, andyet truly notified m the 3d verfe, Godfoid, Let there be Light,&c. And this word is in the Chapter repeated five times, in the fecond, fourth, fifth, and fixth Days Work ofthe Creation ; and adds a Confirmation, that the Son was included, and aimed at Moje1 his [God _{aid]; for in John r. 3· 'tis Caid, Without the Word nothing wru >JJade that"'"' made. As in Mofis, all was by the fame [God {aid, Let there be] created, as well as the Light. And it is no Obje– &ion, to fay, that the firO: Days Work, the Creation ofHeaven and Earth, was without