Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

8 Of the l(,nowledy, of yod the Father, ~this his Son was here and One ofthe Vs? And there is a Spirit, who is of this BooK I. Cabinet-Counfel, J;h, 16. 13, I 5· whofhews, (as Chri(('s Word of him i•) and ~ over-hears all, and is privy to what theFather flillfa;s smto the Son. So then, here are Three that make the Vs. 3· As in Creating, thefe are joined as an Us; fo in Governing and Judging the World: My Fatber worl<§tb hitherto, andl wor/z, lays Chnfl:, Joh. 5· I7.. In fuch Works alto thisVs is u[ed ;_in confoundmg the Languages: and m brmgmg Vengeance on Sodom: In brmgmg them out o_fEgypt we find the Came; Gen. !I. 7. Go to, Let us go down, and tbere confound their Language : The Holy Gho(( de: fcendcd to give Tongues; and he defcended to confound them. Artd, for the Judgment on Sodom; I !hall infifr upon it a little: Gen. 18. ver. I. 'Tis laid, The Lord appetmd; Bow ? ver. 2. Three Angels came: One whereof was the Lord ; and the other two created Angels, Companions of him. Two Angels went to Sodom, ver. 22. and the third fiaycd, Chap. I9. I. who was the Lord himftlfthatcommuned with Abra/Jam; Ofwhom 'tis laid, Chap. 18. 20, 21. The Lord foid, Bccau(e tbeCry ofSodom and Gomorrah is great, and becauft their Sin is very grie·vOHJ, ] wi1'l go down now, _andJe.e whether they h~-z:e done al~ogether according to theC,; ofit, _&c. And he fiaymg wnh .Abraham, ttS alfo fa~d, ver. 22. But Abraham flood)<I before the Lord. This Angel was God, or bearing the Perfon of one that was God; for Exod. 3· 2. the Angel that appeared in the Bufi1, fays, ver. 6. I am the God ofAbraham, Ifaac, and Jacob : the fame, that as an Angel appeored to the Fathers: To .Abraham, Gen. 18. To lfoac, Gen. 26. And to '}1cob, Chap. 3 r. and Chap. 32. 9, 24. Whom, Gin. 48. Is, 16. ']acob, in his .Bleflings, calls both God, and an Angel; os Hofta alto doth, Chap. 12. 3, 4, 5· This Angel, who was betrufied w;.th the Government of the World, and faid, he would fie, ve>·. 2 I. was not the Father, for he IS never M1Jiu, Sent ; as the word Angel imports tlr.s was, and yet withal was [G 0 DJ though in the ap– pearance and Office of an Angel. And we read ofGodfent by God, · in Zech. 2. 8. Thus l.1ith the Lord, He hathftnt me to the Nation, &c. Tis Chrifi's Speech ofhis Father's fending him. So alto, !fit 48. 16, I7. -The Lord God and hit Spirit hatb Jg>t me, &c. He that i< the L ord, f.1ys, he was fem by the Lord; even as we read the New Tefl:ament allo !peaks ofChrifl: : And he that is Cent mufi be difiinct,and a Perlon difl:inct from the Sender. Now there are two Perfon; that fend him there, The Lord God, and hi< Spirit, hath fent me: And he that was lent was God, and no lefs Jehovah than rhey ; as all the Contexts afore and after fhew. So then, you find three Perfonsthere; and for this Caufe it is, he is fl:iled the Angel ofGod's Face, l[a. 63. 9· And there you meet with the three Perfons too, as joining in that great work ofR.edemptionout ofEgypt. Firfi, the Father is fpoken of in ver. 7, 8. I wiU mention ti-e Loving-ICindnefs ofde Lord, and tbe Praifes ofthe Lord, according to liU tbat the Lord hatb bejlowed onu; : and the great Goodnefi towards the Hottfe of Ifrael, >vbich he hllth bejlowed on them according to hi< :.il1ercies, and according to the 1Jmlt1tude ofbi< Loving-KindnejJes: For he faid, Surely they are my People; Chil– dren that 1viU not Lie : So he mu their S<~viour. The Son, in ver. 9· in aU their AjfliC/ion he 1v.u "iJJifJed, and the Angel ofbis Preftnce Javed them : In his Love and i11 hiJ 7Jity h~ ~e~eemed thent. And he bt~re theiJJ and carr!ed them aU the day 1 of old. The Spmt, m ver. Io. But they rebeUed 1md vexed hrs Holy Spirit. He that is called Hof;i Spirit, in the New,_ is according to the Hebraifm, called the Spirit ofHolinefi, 10 the Old. But It IS Chnfi, that was the Angel ofhis Prefence ap– pearing afore God, interceding, and in whofe Face God !hines, 2 Cor. 3 . Exod. 33· 2. ":.il1y .Angel, in ver. I4. is interpreted, God's Face, Prelence. John I 4 . 9 • He that hathfeen me, hath ften the Father.. And he it was that faw the Affiidion of his People, Exod. 3· 7. who ver. 8. is faid to come down; even as upon the occafion of Sodom, you have heard It, 10 hke manner fpoken. And it was this Angel, in whom (God lays) his Name was ; that is, his very Nature, Exod.23. 20,2 1, 22. And 'twas be that governed them ih the Wildernefs. Now, this Angel, o~, the Lord fent in that appearance, both to Abrah41JJ about Sodr•m: and to ,/J1oft;, Exod. 3· And to the People of" lfrael, was one and the C1me, as all places fi1ew: And th1s was the Lord him!elf; as Mal. 3· 1. He