Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

vfnd his Son !fe]us Chrifl~ He is exprefly called The Lord; and the Angel of the Covenant; Even Chrifr, ~ the Second Perlon whom they tempted. So Paul, :J>{pther let'" tempt Chr!ft Chap. 2. at fome of them alfo tempted, and were dejlroyed of Serpent,, 1 Cor. 10. 9 . s~~ Stephen expreOy, Ails 7· 32, 37, 38. I av1 the God of thy Fathers, the God of Abraharn, and the God oflG1ac, and 'the God ofJacob, ver. 37·· Thi< if that Moles n·hrchfoid unto the Children ojlfrael, A Prophet JhaD the Lord your God raift up unto ;•ou, oflour Brethren, li4! unto me; Hmt JhaDye hear. . Thi< if he that Wa< with the Church in the Wt!dernej, w1th the Angel, whrchJPa4! to hun rn the Mount Smat. And this Perlon, who came down in the appearance ofan Angel; to .A'braham, about Sodom, Abraham as expreOy en{(iles, The Lord, and Judge ofaD the World, Gen. 18. 25. All which confider, how it punctually agrees with what in the New Tenament out ofJohn 5· bath been obferved, as by comparing them, will appeat. For, as the Son hitherto had wrought in all Works with the.Father; as you heard out of]oh1l 5· 20, 21. So ver. 22. ofthat Chapter, Godhathcommitted aD Judgment •mto the Son: And it is anlwerably laid by ;:Mofe.', Gen. 19. 24. The Lord, or Tehovah, ramed down Fm from Jehovah ; that IS, the Son, who was God he- did it by Commiffion from the Father, that was God with him ; as to w'hom he had committ~d the Judgment of the World : And Co was, by his Office, the proper Executioner of thts Ve?geance upon Sodom: He allo joining in all Works afore, and fince, together Wtth the Father, who /hewing him aD he doth, the Son doth it li4!wife; That aD might hon01tr the Son M weU a< the Father ; as Chri{( there infers, John 5· 23. 4· That which fully added to my Conviilion, That the V, in Scripture" Language, when fpoken of, and by God, intends thefe. Three in God, whom we call Perfons; and that to be fpoken .:More Regie, after the manner and ltile ofKings, is, That! further expreOy find thefeThree, Father, Son, and Holy Ghofr, each fingly, and apart, uling tt m the Name ofthe other two, laying [V1] and [We.] • 1. The Father, He whom all grant, is he that is to be underfrood, when 'tis faid, [God jaid] Let v, ; and as !peaking to the refr. 2. The Holy Gholl, Ifa. 6. 8. Alfo I heard the Voice of the Lord, faying, Whom Jball lfend; and who will go for 111? If the quefrion be, What Perfon fpake this V1 here ; and what other Perfons he fpeaks of as involved in it ? I. Forthe Perfon that !peaks it, it is the Holy Ghofr. Read Ac!J 28.2 5, 26. 'Paul refolves it fo; WeUJPa4! the Holj Ghof1 by Efaias the 'Prophet unto o11r Father~, Saying, Gormto thiJ 'People, and foJ, Hearing ye jha/1 hear, and Jball not underftand, &c. Who is the fame Lord, that in lfoiah fays, Chap. 6. Verfe 9· Go and tell thiJ People, hearye indeed, but tmderjland not, &c. And He it is that laid allo Verfe 8. Whom fha/1 I fend, and who will go for V,? And the like Speech and Character of Language, attributed to the Holy Gho{( in the New Tcnament elfewhere, argues, that he is the Perfon. -For upon the very fame, or like, Occafion, we find him as a Perlon brought in, {peaking ofhimfelf apart, under the Stile ofMe. The Errand, or Bufinefs whereof he here !peaks, Who willgo for V1? was the fending forth Mini{(ers, and Teachers, and Prophets: As it is exprefs in that ofthe .dth, and in lfoiah. Nay, when the fame Occafion or Errand came afore him, we hear him another time exprelly !peaking, Ails 1 3· 2. The Holy Ghoft foid, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the worl;_ whereunto I have called them. Tis the fame Employment offending out Minillers, 'Paul and ~BamabaJ, and it is the fame Perfon, the Holy Gbo{( in both, and he a Perfon; for he fpeaks as a Perfon, [/] •nd [L], [Me] and [Me]; and one that was God. Add to this, that of !fa. 48.17. And now the Lord God, and hit Spirit hathfe~tt me. Thus much that he was the Perfon that fpake it. And, 2. For the Perfons in whofe Name be fays V,, they are the Fother and the Son. In ver. 3· you have the Angels cry, Holj, Holy, Holy i1 the Lord of Hojli. All that fome would make of thefe Holie,, is not in refpeil of the Three Perfons, but to fhew, God is ter SanUuJ, ter Optimu1, Mo{( Holy, which alone I would not urge. But when I confidered, that in this Chapter there is fuch a Pref<:nce and Mention ofthefe Perfons, I cannot but affix even that alfo, and C that