Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and hu Son !efus Cbrifl. -- ------------------------------------------------~'1 C H A P. I I I. '""""' ··-----'---·--~ ~....,r; That the(e Three Terfons in t.he tjodhead are Terfo,ns dijlinct one from the other. VVHO would not jpdg them to be lo, by what hath been al– ready [aid? But ye~ for further Evidence, it is apparent from thiS; FirO:; That they are found (peaking, not only Vs, as Perl<ms, but alfo or·, dinarily, one to another, in the language of [I J and [ Tholt ], as Heb. 10. 5: .ABody hajl Thou ftted Me, which ChriO: fpoke to his Father, as a Perfon cx– iO:ing with Him, then when he took an humane Nature. And, Lo, I t"OIJJe to cfo thy WtU, Heb. 10. 7· Agam, the Father !peaks to the Son, Pjal. r 10. 1. Troe Lord foid unto my Lord. And again, from Heaven, Thi< is my Son, Mattb. 3· 17. Arid the Holy Ghoft, as-diO:inCl from both, delcending as a Dove. And, fecondly; One fpeaks of another, as another Pcrfun diflinCl from him– felf; thus, the Son of the Father, John 5· 30. - 1 feel<. 11ut mine O>Vu Will, btd the Will of the Father which hath font me. Ver( 3r. ' If I bwwitnefs of my [clj; 1li:J Witnef i1not tme. VerC3J. There i1another thatbearethwituefl of me; 4nd I f.t10rv tlw the rvitnefs which he witneJfeth of me is tme. Likewife rhe Sun, of the Father, and of the Holy Ghofl; ] ohn ·14. 16, and 26. And I will pr''l the Fa– ther, and he jba/1 give you another Comforter, that he may abide with )Oil for ever. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghofl, whom the F<~ther will fend in my Name, he fba/1 teach )Oil all things, and bring all things to }'0111' remembrance, >vh.~tfoever I have Jud unto )Oil. And ]ohn 16. q. Howbeit, when he the Spi•·it ofTruth is come, he will guide you into all Tmth; for he foal/ not fj;eaf<. of himftlf; but what– foever he Jba/1 he~r, tlmt Jball he fPeaf<., and he will jbew JOlt th~ngs to come. He, the MafnJime, ts put wnh a Neuter Gender, m the word 7TH.u[Ml:, Sptnt, wh1di would never have been, but to deGgn a perfonaliry in him. Thirdly ; You have each {j>eaking of himfdf as a Perfon. Thus the Hoiy Gholt, .Arh Ij. 1, 2. Sep,mile "'' Barnabas and Saul, for the Woi-4_ 1vhereunto 1 bave called them. Fourthly ; There arc Works proper to each affigned: To inftance but in one Scripture ; I Cor. 12. 4, 5, 6. Now there 11re diverfties of Gifts, but the fome Spirit. And there are dijjimJrts of Adminijiratiom, but the fium Lord. And tl.•ere are diverftieJof Operatiom, b11t it if the Jum God which 1vor4§th all in all. All three are ment ioned, and as having, to diltinguifi1 them, feveral Works: And the Spirit there is l.1id to !)ave his own Things proper to him, as the Son the Father's : And, verj. 1 r. He is C1id to diflribute them as he will; which, to C•y, is proper only to a Perfon. Fifthly ; Thdt: Pcrfons are fpoken of as diftinfr, when alto they are called God; Pfal. 45· 6, 7· Thy Throne, 0 God, is for ever and ever.-Tholt loveft Righteoufi~ef, and hat eft lniq11il}' : Therefore God, th}' God, hatb anointed thee with the Oil of G!admjj above thy Fello!Vs- And there alfo we rueet with all three Perfons too, for Spirit is the Oil he is anointed with. Laflly; There is this malt evident Demonflration, That the Mail Jefm being atfumed and taken up into one Perfon with the Son of God, that He, the Son of God,exifling in the Man as one Perfon with him, fi1ould (peak ofhimf<lfas a fli– ftinCl Perfon from the Forher and rhe Spirit: In ]oh.lo.j T. I and the Father<~reone. Here he fpeaks of Himfdfand the Father,as Perfons diO:infr,ancl yet both but one true God ; as ve>'( 33· rhe Jews underO:ood him, That thou being" Ma,, nlakefl thy filf God : One God and two Perfons of the three, and yet it was not the Jim as Man only that was that Pcrfon; but it was the Son who was truly God C 2 With