Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

~ Of the I(no"Wledy, of (jod the Father, _ ::){the Father, and the Man being made one Perfon with the ~on, lptaks this ~ himfelf; Co thereby evtdently declanng, that m the Godhead there was the \) o 0 lerfon of the Son diflinfr from the Father ; and fo, m hiS Defence of htmfdf, ~e declares, Verf36. Say ye of him whom the Father hath fanllijied and fent into the World, Thou blaJPhemeft; becaufe I faid,I am the Son of God.< And agam, Verf 38. Know and believe, that I am in the Father, and the Father mme; as two fhll, (as [I J and the [ Father J imports) enjoying one Godhead.' And elfewhere, he profeiTeth his Manhood not to be alone the Perfon. And 1t was not God the Father that was incarnate, and in that refpefr is fliled the Son, as Come have wickedly affirmed ; for if the Father had been one Perfon with this Man, this Man could not have faid, land the Father; or elfewhere often [I] and [Tho11], (peaking to his Father. And indeed, I have judged one great End and Iffue of God's ordaining this Perfonal Union of the Man Jefus,_and the Son of God, to have been, to de– monflrate and afcertain us, That there is this diflinetion of Perfons in the God– head ; in that the Man now affumed, talks at that rate of himfelf, as of a Per– fon with God, and yet diflinfr from his Father ; and that he was fo, he refers unto all his Works, to believe and know it by; for that, whilfl he fo fpake of himfelf, he fhould do fuch Works; This invincibly argues the Truth of what he fo fpake, as in that, John IO. in defence of himfelf, and thole Speeches of himfelf, verj37, 38. he argues, If 1 do not the Work; of my Father, believe me not : But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the Work;; that }'e may kpow and believe,. that the Father is in me, and I in him. Had the Scripture declared this diflinetion of Perfons over and over, in a DoCtrinal Affcrtion, it had not been fo great an evidence as this; to hear the Man, who when become one Per– Con with the Son of God, fhould himfelf flill ufe to fay, [ l J and my Father> and when he (peaks to his Father, to fay, I and Thou. Himfdf came by this fin- · gular Way and Means, to declare it fo invincibly, as nothing could have been more fatisfyingly done. That I may C1y, as the Apoflle to the Hebrews cloth of other Revelations of Divine Truth, fo I of this, That after God had, at fundry times and divers manners, fpoke this Myflery of t)le Diflinfrion of Perfons, he hath now fpoke it to us by the Son himfelf perfonally, as now incarnate and made Man : Who though he appeared to the Fathers, yet never perfonally uni– ted to thofe Appearances as now he did. So that put but thefe things toge– ther; I. That he that was the Son of God, exifled before the affumption of Man's Nature, as a Perfon. · And that, 2. The Man he took up, was not a Perfon of himfelf, but it was the Son that was the Ptrfon taking up that Man into One [I J or perfonality with himfdf; which that Speech of his own, when he came into the World, ( Heb. 10. 5.-ABody haft tho11 prep11red me) evidently fhews. The Body, or his Humane Nature, was not the [ Me J or Perfon, but he that affumes it was the [ Me], A Body haft thou prepared Me. And then, 3· That hence he fhould then fpeak unto the Father, as a Perfon diflintl from the Father's Perfon, as thole their words [ Me J and [Thou J do evince. And that He, even after the Man fo affumed; that he fhould {peak as the Perfon when once fo umted, m the Language ofThine and Mine, 1 and Thou, and the like : This invincibly argues what I have driven at, viz.. That the Father and he are diflinet. And then, that he fhould fpeak of [Another J or third, diflinet from both; [Another Comforter J the Holy Spirit ; And he fba/1 ta~e of mine, &c. John 16. I 5· .whilfl himfelf lays, 1 the Son, and therefore a!itH, or Another from both Father and Spirit, and not alitH, or anotler, by having become Man; but as FilitH Dei, in whole Perfon the Man fpeaks it of himfelf. Vfe 1. Is to exhort you to retain and hold £1il: this plain and fundamental Truth, and by Faith to receive it, (if you have been diverted from it) as from the S<;m, and not confult with Reafon in it, which yet is not contradictory to lt. ThiS I am Cure of, that tf the Scnptures fpeak any thing, they fpeak this great Truth ; and of all other, it bath been the moll: and longefl tried, of any other.