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and ht& Son /efus Chrifl. 11 ~ Chap. '3· ·--------~~ C H A P. III. That d1e(e Three Perfons in t.he tjodhead arePerfo,ns dijlinct one from the other. VVHO would not j)ldg them to be fo, by what bath been al– ready laid? But yet for further Evidence, it is apparent from thiS; Firf\:; That they are found fpeaking, not only v,, as Perl<ms, but alfo or·, dinarily, one to another, in the language of [I J and [ Tho~t ], as Heb. 10. 5.' .ABody hajl Thou ftted Me, which Chrifl: fpoke to his Father, as a Perfon cx– ifl:ing with Him, then when he took an humane Nature. And, Lo, I come to do thy WiU, Hcb. 10. 7· Agam, the Father fpeaks to rhe Son, Pj<~l. r ro. 1. The Lord faid unto my Lord. And again, from Heaven, Thn is my Son, Matth. 3· 17. An"d the Holy Ghofl:, as-difl:inet from both, defcending as a Dove. And, fccondly; One (peaks of another, as another Pcrfon difrinet fi·om him– felf; rhus, the Son of the Father, :John 5· jo. - I jielz mt mine mvu Will, bill the Will of the Father which hath fent me. VerC 31. "If I beanvitnefi of my felj; my Witnef if not true. Ver[ 32. There iJ another that beareth witnefl of me? and I k!1ow that the witnefi which he witnejfeth of me ;, tme. Likewife the Sun, of the Father, and of the Holy Ghofl; ]ohn ·I+ 16, and o6. And I will pray the Fa– ther, and he jh<~ll give JOlt another Comforter, thflt he may abide with JOlt for ever. But the Comforter, which ;, the Holy Ghofl, whom the F.11her will find in my Nm~e, he foall teach )'Oit all things, and bring all things to yo11r retnembrance, wh•tfoever I have ford unto )Oil. And ]ohn 16. £3. Howbeit, when he the Spirit ofTmth is come, he will guide )'OU into all Tr11th; for he j/Jdllnot fPea/z of himjilf; bnt tvhat– Jaever he Jball hear, that j/Jall he fPealz, and he will jhew you thingJ to come. He, the Mt1r1!line, is put with a Neuter Gender, in the word ?TVt'VpA', Spirit, which would never have been, but to del!gn a perlonality in him. Thirdly ; You have each fi'eaking of him!\:lf as a Perfon. Thus the Holy Ghofl:, .Ads '3· t, 2. Sep.~r<~te me Barnabas and Saul, for the Woi"fz tvhcrwn/o I have c(J!Ied thwt. Fourthly; There arc Works proper to each afligned: To infl:ance but in one Scripture ; 1 Cor. 12. 4, 5, 6. Now there 11re diverjities of Gift,, bitt the fome Spirit. And there are dijji:re~HeJ of AclminiflrationJ, h11t the flmJC Lord. And tbere are diverjtiCI of Oper.ttiom, b11t it if the fame God which tvork,t:th all in all. All three are mentioned, and as having, to difl:ingui01 them, feveral Works: And the Spirit there is l.tid to bave his own Things proper to him, as the Son the Father's: And, verj. 11. He is C1id to diflribure them as he will; which, to fay, is proper only to a Pcrfon. Fifthly ; Th& l'crfons are fpoken of as diCtinet, when alfo they are called God; Pial. 4S· 6, 7· Thy Throne, 0 God, is for ever and ever.-Th01t loveft Rrgbteo11{i1ef, tmd hateft lniquit; ; Therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the Oil ofGiadmjS 11bove thy FellotVI. And there alfo we meet with all three Perfons too, for Spirit is rhe Oil he is anointed with. La(l]y; There is this mofl: evident Demonfrration, That the Man Jelus beinl( alli.tmed and taken up into one Perlon with the Son of God, that He, the Son of God,exirting in the Man"' one Perfon with him, {hould !peak ofhimfe!f as a <li– fl:inet Perfon from the Father and the Spirit: In ] r. I andthe Father11reone. Here he fpeaks of Him(dfand the Farher,as Perfons diflinll,ancl yet both but one true God ; as <·er{ 33· the Jews underfl:ood him, 1tdt tho1t being" M.m, 1J1<1keft thy filf God: One God and two Perfons of the three, and yet it was not the AL111 as Man only that was that Perfon ; but it was the Son who was truly God C ~ with