Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

22 ~ BooK I. Of the l(noTPledg of (jod the Father~ ,L~------------·---------- CHAP. V. Of (jiving Cjlory to (jod. That it ia a Vuty. incu~bent upon us, pro-v'd by numerou!.. In~ances tnScrzp– ture. That we are to glorify yod, not onry nor chiefly for the benept he beflows on us~ but for the (jlo~y o[ his :J\(ame, and the ExceUence,. and 'Bl~f!ednefs of his J\(ature_. Some ??..~afonsgz-ven, that Grace in us may be raifed to thiJhtgh{lram. 1 Pet. 5· 11. To f,im be 9/ory and Domiuio11 for ewr mul ewr. Amen. ER.e l raile that Oblervation I wholly intend out of thefe Words, I !hall firft deGre you to confult with me the multitude of Parallel Paifages unto this which we find up and down in the Epiflles, which do arife to a great Bulk. I !hall not barely refer you to the Chapters and Verfes, and fo pals them over, but to the end to lay the more ample Foundation to that Doctrine I intend; and "itha! to make the deeper lmpreffions ofit upon your Hearts, I will fingleforth thole Paiiagcs out of the Epi!tles. I ftar the high and glorious Elevations that filled the Apo{\]e's Spirits in thtfe Doxologies, as they came from their Hearts, have not their due weight upon us Chriftians, fi>r the imitation ofthem or afpiring thereunto: their comrnonnels in fo many Fpiflles, at the clofe of them, caufeth but a common formal regard of them in us ; even fuch as their Sali!tatiom of Grace and Peace (being made but as to tho!e Men they wrote to) ufe to have with us, as if we were not concerned in them. But we arc toconfider that the rcafon we meet with them frequently in mofrof the Epilllcs was, that their Hearts being full of the Glory ofGod, their Pens and Moutf.s were enlarged according!y, and theVirtue and Example of them la!ling to all Agrs, they thereby do excite all that fi1all read their Epifrles, afrelh to join with themfelves therein to give Glory to God as they did, it being exprefly faid, Eph. 3· 2!. Vnto him be glory in the Church by ChrijiJej~~< [throughout all Ages,] World wlll•out "'"· Amen. And in almofr every fuch a Doxology, [for ever aud ever J is added : And in ']ude, Now ancl for ever. This premifed, I begin to enumerate the feveral Inltances. I: In the Epifrle to the Romam, how often, by digreffion, cloth he frill vail to Go.l in the midfr of hi< Difcourfes,with an [Amen J fet to hio Bleffing ofhim,aswe alfo fl:ould occafionally in our fpeeches do the likt? In Rom. 1. difcourfing ofthe Heathens, rh.mging the Glory of tie incorruptible God, ver( 23. and verC 2 5· d:.mgir-8 the Tr11r!J, (or the true Divine Nature) into thejimilitude ofthe Creat11rc, ami n·orjbippi11g aml fi:rving tl.:e Cretllure, more than the Crct~tor ; he with an fndig– Illtio!1 at the relating ofthat dilhonour done to the great God comes in with this, li lJo i1 llef}'cl for ez·er, Amen. Which is a folemn Glory given to God, in trall1• itu, by the way pa!f.ont, as we f.oy. The Form of Amw, that is in the Clofe, fpraks how his Heart did give, and rejoiced to give all Bleffednels to him, as re· joycing th:!t he is fo blcffed a God. You find the like, Chap. 9· [peaking of Chri!l: a!lcrti! t" cfhis Divine Nature, vcrf. 5· Wf.oiJ oz•er all, God ble.!fed for ever, Amw. In