Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the I(nowledg of (jod the Father, ~ place, and [my God] in the fccond. This is more abundantly feen in this Pfolm, BooK I. ond in many other Pjalnu. . . . . . . ~ Tis obfervable, that Davideoutltng thiS Pfalm, the Praife of Davtd, that m the Original no 'Pfalm elfe beareth fuch a Tjtle. It is ap~ropriated to it, becaafe this wholly confifls ofmeer Praife: he was elevated therem to a frame of Sptnt, meerly made up ofp11re Praije ofGod, wnhout any touch of what w."~ parucular to himfdf: So as it was not Thank, but altogether Praife, and whoUy 1raife. To run over this "Pjalm briefly. . Himfdf as Prcftntcr or Leader of the whole Chore, begms verf. I, 2. I wzU e~tolthee, my God, 0 King: and 1wiU blejf thy Name for ever and ever. Every day and I wiU praife thy Name for ever and ever. . . And then in Verfe the 3d, declares what tt was, whtch above all he had m h1s Eye, as provoking him to this Praife; -Even the great and infinite ExceUency of God i11 himfelf. Great H the Lord, andgrM/y to be praifed: and hn Greatneji " m'.feurchable. This fummarily comprehends all that is in God, which David in· tuitively viewed at his entrance to the who~e. After thts. of h1s Greatnefs in himfdf, he proceeds upon what God IS mh1s Works, and m that Argument he untrs, 1. Hisown Joy firfl, for this, that they all !hould with one Mouth praife him throughout all Times. Thus, verC4. One Generation fhaU_praifethJ Work toano· ther, andjbaU declare thy mzgity .Aas. And fo that God Will be fure to bepraijid to the Worlds Clld, and had bcm praifed afore he w.u born ; this joyed his Soul ex· ceedingly. . 2, As that throughout aU Times, fo that in all Times, Alland every ofh;. Worf<! do praifc Lim. Firfl, Men, verC 6, 7· And Mm jhaU JPea/zof the might of thy ter– rible .ACfs, theyJba/1 abundantly utter the memory ofthy !!,real Goodneji, and jhalljng ofthy Righteouji1eji. And Secondly, All ofhis other Worf<!, befides ver( 10. All thy Work jha/1praife thee, 0 Lord. But Thirdly, With a greater Emphafis and Exultation for this, that THE SAiNTS THET BLESS HIM, fo in the fame Verf~. But that which I would defire you in a fpecial obferve withal, that whilfl he brings in all thofe (which added unto hisJoy) thus proifing God, he bimfelfthought with himfelf, whilfl be was bringing in this general Contribution oftheir Praife, that I will not be left OHt at fo glorious an Exercife: But I will bear my part; fo as be abruptly puts in with them, and rudely. (as it were) interrupts them, intermingling his own in the midll flill of theirs. Thus in ver( 4 after he had fa id, One Generation to another, &c. lover( 5· himfelf breaks in, I wilt ffiea/z ofthe slorio1H Honottr ofthy ./li:lajejty, and ofthy wondro1H Worf<!. Which as ifhe bad faid I wil) croud in mine, and bear my part, and he cloth it whilft theirs was but begun. And then in the next Verfe, verf6. whilft be brings them in again chanting out the fame in thefe Words: [And they, namely, (One Generation to anotber, thi~ ref•rring to ver( 4.) TheyJba/1JjJea/z ofthe might of thy terrible ACfs.] H1m(dfas one that could not hold, (no not ull thm Pra1fe had been balffpokeri our) puts in again, I will declare thy Greatneji. Then verf. 7· when he had brou;!,ht them all in again, The,y jha/1abun~antlyutter tke '!'emory ofthy Goodneji,and foal!jtng ofthy }?1ghteo11.foeji. H1mfelfagam, (as 1fftnvmg to Out·fing them) ri– feth up to the h1ghefl and l?udefl Note and matter of Praife, verf.8,9. The Lord;. GruC10111.and fi•ll o[Compajftoll, flow to .Anger, and~~great Mercy. (This was pro– per to h1m as a Samt to utter,) and fo together With them, fall a magnifying that God, wh1ch was the Caufe of all,vi,_ H;. Mercy; and, as the Sourfe ofthat for which all his praife him, The Lord is Good to all, and his t;,der }rf.ercles are over ail huWor./zs. Which having faid, be t.hen commits and leaves this Matter wholly unto them, even to all h1s Works,efpec~ally unto h1~aints,to fpeak what they could,or would, further fay. I. To h1sSamts ; for h1s Merctes to them are above what to all his other Works, verf. I a>• .All thy Worf<! jha/1 praife thee, 0 Lord· and thy Saintt Jba/1 blef} thee. And fo leaves it to them to fpeak out the refl; 'for he alone was not fui!ic1ent, verf. 11, 12. Theyjhall.f}ea4ofthe Glory of thy Kingdom; and tall{ oj thy Power, to ma4~ '/znown to tbJ, Sons ofMen his.mighty ACfs : a 11 d the glorio1H MJjefty ofhiiJV.ngdofll. The