Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and bt8 Son feftB Cbrifl. The rcfi unto the 21ji Ver(e is a feuing forth that Kingdom (in fame bran- "-...'...rl chcs ofit) which theyfo much celebrate; and yo~ may take it m?er to be hts Char. 5· own, or their Celebration of1t; or rather of both JOintly. It begms, verf. 1 3 . ~; Thy Kingdom iJ an everlojling ICi11gdom, and thy DotJiinion endimth throngho11t all Gmcrati0111. The Lord 11pholdeth all that foil, and raifeth 11p all thofi that be bowed dow11. The E.yeJ ofall wait upon thee, and thou givefl them their .J/1cat ifl d11e fia.fim. Thou opcnefl thy Hand, and fatiifiefl the dejire of eve>)' living thing. The Lord iJ righteott1 in all hiJ Wap, and holy in all hiJ Worf<!. The Lord iJ nigh nntoallthat call 11pon hi111, to all that call upon him in Truth. He willfn!fl the dejire ofthem that fiar him: he will alfo hear their cry, and will fave Ihem. The Lord prejervcth aii them that io've him: but all the Wicf«d will he deflroy. Which containing the principal parts of his Dominion, I divide and confider thus: . Firfi', The Everlaflingnefs of it; for which 'tis (o much celebrated, verC 1 :j. T f.:J Ki11gdon1 iJ an everlajii11g Kingdom, and thy Dominion endm·eth throughout all Generation;. In which Words, is efpecially aimed at that glorious Kingdom he !hall for ever' exercife in Heaven, with all his Saints magnifying him gloriouOy, of which, as :tis often faid, there iJ 110 end. And although in this lies the height of his Do– minion. Yet, · Secondly, He takes in the eyercife of it as it is in ihis World, throughout the many Generations thereof, from firfr to lafi. And the Parts thereof are, J. His Difpenfations towards his Saints in their Miferies, which is !hewn efpe– cially in railing and recovering them from falls, and exercifed for them, and on their behalf, as they are opprelfed, verf. 14. The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raifeth up all thofe that be bowed down. A mofi glorious Work. But withal, 2. Alfo that which is extended to a)l Creatures, that having a fenlitive Lite, are to be maintained by Food, as Fillies, Fowls, Beafis; God takes 1t upon him to be the Father ofthis great Family ofthe World, •nd to take care ofall the fe– veral kinds ofthem that need, and accordingly provides and gives forth Ji'ariety of feveral forts of Food, proper to each. As 1. To give each their feveral Meat, ond Dtet; And 2. Fails them not; 3· In the due j<fljim, wherein they need it: and moreover, 4· His own immediate Hand is f.1id to give it them; and they, 5· As expecting it from him, are f.1id to come about him,as Fowls ufe ro do about thofe that ufe to feed them. Yea and 6. He not only fceds,butfatiJjies theirDejreJ. All thefc you have diflincr, verf. 15, 16. The E)'es ofall wait upo" thee, and thou givejl them their .511eat in d~tefeafon. Thott openejl thine Hand, and fatiJjiejl tf.e Jejmofevery living Thing. 3· That fpecial part of his Providence and Kingdom, exercifed over, and to– wards the eminent of his Creatures, viz. the Sons ofMen in common, wherein he fets forth the manifold Adminiflrations and Dealings with all ofthem, both good and bad. Fir(\, in common to both, verf. 17. The Lord iJ righteo111 in all hii Wop, and holy in all hiJ Workf. That is,in all the Variety ofTrials,Chafiifements, J~?~?Jents, upon both wicked Men, and good Men; and it is not in fame, or a' few ofhts Ways, but [in all] that fall out to either: and therefore let us adore him in all. 4· But efpecially to the Righteous, his choicefi ones. And that peculinr care and love to them, he again returns to fet forth, verC 18, 19,20. The Lm·d i1 nigh ttnto a[L t?en• that call 11pon him, to all that call upon him in Truth. He will fi1/fl the dejire ofthem thatfiar hi111 :- he will alfo hear their ery, and will Jitve tbem. The Lord preferveth aft them that love him. . Thefe aremighty Sayings, ~hat we!hould have him to cry unto, and he to be mgh and qurck ofhearing, and his Eyes to run to and fro over us; that God m t'he Hfue one way or other, !hotild fulfil thefe Sayings urrto all his Saints, even· to every one, efpecially thofe latter; to hear and con!ider all their Prayers, fulfil all their Defires, and after, and above all that, he will make fure work of it, infallibly to fave them at lafl:, and preferve them to the end E 2 dfeCln·