Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

andhif Son :fefur [hrifi. Creature can hate God limply and abfolutely for himfelf, becaufe he is himfelfthe ~ chiefdl: Good,as the School-men argue ~r,but yet they are found to do it only be- ~ caufe God is an Enemy unto Self-Love m them, and fo m ~evenge they are provoked to oppofe God, and to fly m hrs very Face, they bemg acted by a Spirit to do defpite to the Spirit of.Grace, (which is the very Spirit of that Sin againfi: the Holy Ghoft);but the Creature having the Image ofGod's own Holinefsftampt upon it, it may love God for himfelf, and true Love to God is not founded upon Sdf-Love meerly in the Creature; and if it were, it were not the Image of dod: And ifit be a Principle of Grace to love God,as God ; then it mull needs be capable to rife up to this, to glorify him as fuch. I further add, that as that forementioned defperate frame.ofSpirit befals fome Men in this Life, as well as Devils; fo this high and holy frame of Heart (though more imperfeCl:ly for degree) is raih:d up but in fome gracious Saints Hearts in this Life; and yet as all evil Mens Wickednefs is not wound up to this height of renown in Sinning, but only in a few; fo nor is the Grace ofall Saints intended or elevated to this other extraordinary pitc&. Which ftating of it thus, may conduce to clear the thing ir. Hand, and tc1 the comfort offuch Souls as want the Energy or working Senfe ihereof. ReJjon 4· ft is certain, that Grace elevated works thus in the Saints Hearts in Heav<n·; that is, to glorify God for himfelf, and their own Happinefs they confi– der nut; for it is bur a refult or confequent of their joying in the amplitude of 6od's Glory, which they are wholly (wallowed up into: For God becomesaU in aU in them and to them, I Cor. I 5· 28. Now, as fome Communications of the Joys that are in Heaven, are vouchfafed unto fome Saints in this Life, fome im– mtdbte Drops (I)Ot to lJy Dews only) are let fall into theit Souls of the fame kind that are in !'leaven, in a F'ulne·fs. Therefore alfo, by a Parallel Reafon, fome lelfer Parricipotions of rhe lntenfenefs of that Grace, that is in thofe bleffed Souls made perfeCt; for lome have the Earneft of the Spirit, and of that Inheri– tance: and an E1rndl confifts of the fame kind With the whole that is yet behind. CHAP.