Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and h~ Son !fefus [brift. 33 3· In performing Dutiesof Worlhip, publick or p:ivate, and being conver- Ch;;'~ font in Ordinances ; Thts ts a further degree of glonfymg God, than m Holy ~ Actions, in ordenng our Cortverlanons, &c. Pfal. 68. 9· All NattOilJ whom thoit hajl mude, Jball con:e and worjbip before thee, 0 Lord, and jba/1 glorify thy Name. yet rhis way of gtvmg glory to God, excels bemg converC1nt m Ordmances; although having Communion with God therein. I Pet. 4· 10 , I 1. As every M1111 hath received the Gift, even fo minijler the fomc one to another, as good Stefv.J ardJ ofthe manifold Grace of God. If awy Man .JPeak_, let hiiiJ flea~{ aJ the Oracln of God; If any lvf,mminijler, let him do it a< of the Ability which God giveth, . that Gocl in all thing! m") be glorified through Jef!H Chrijl; to who~~~tbe Praife and Domi11i01t for ever and ever. Amw. Which is fpoken of the minifblation of Ordinances. As to flea~{ in the Chnrch, or to contnbute to the Samts, ts a way of glorifying God in the way of Ordinances and .Worfhip.; Yet llil! this Duty of giving Glory toGod, exceeds lt, and therefore IS over and beyond, ( fi.tperadded and exhorted to, after the other) as dt(hnct from them ; to who1n be Praife and D ominion, for ever and ever. Amen. / · 4· It is more than to praife God for Benefits vouchfafed, and received to our fdves; which yet is an high way of glorifying God. We generally fay, That Thani<Jgiving is a nobler and more divinS'lY generous Duty than Pra;·er ; for Self. love puts us upon that, praying for Benefits, bur Thanks' is a more free; de– fecate, and pure All, and yet is but of a fenfe of God's goodnefs unto ones ftlf5 "'Bitji the Lord, 0 my S01d; and [o'rget not aU ( that is, not any ) of hiJ Bme– jltJ, Wbo forgiveth aU thine lniquitiu, and bealeth aU thy Difeaju; Peal. 103. i, 3· And Pfd. 86. I 2, 1 3· I will praije thee, 0 Lord my God, with aU my Heart; and I will glorify thy Name for evermore. For great is thy Mercy toward, me \ and thou hajl delivered my Soul fi'om the lowejl Hell. Yet we fee there is a deep tOuch of Self-love in this both praife and glorifying of God ; for grM ;, thy Mercy to me. Well, but this way of glorifying God, is yet more high and generous, being for what isablhallly conlidered fi·om all Benefits; that is, limply conli– dering what Glory and Excellencies are in God himfelf, or in his Glory unto others of his Creatures : It is to give Glory to God, for what he is or doth any way to his Church, or to all others in the World, and not only for what he is to us, &c. Look back upon the places cited, and you'll find the mofi of them !peak this abllrallednefs. In the Revelation, you find both the Church and Men tO give Glory and Honour diflinct from Tbanf<!; Rev-4-9. And whenthofe BeajiJ gave Glory, and Honour, and Thanf<! to him that fat on the Throne, .who liveth for ever and ever. Upon this account, verf. I I. Th•t thou art wortby, 0 Lord, to re– ceive Glory, and Honour, and Power; for thou hajl created all Thing•, and for thy Pleafore they are and were created. Likewile the Angels run upon the fame f\rain, Rev. 7. 12. SO)ing, Amen: Blefling, and GlorJ•, •nd Wifdom, and Thanf<J– giving, and Honour, and Power, and M't,ht, be unto OHr Lord for ever and ever• .Ameu. 5· It is more tha~ to glorify God for his Lcve to us i for the Aifurance and Hope he will glorify us; Rom. 5· I. By Faith we have Peace 1rith God; and a !landing in Grace, and the favour of God; fo, verf 2. And not only fo, but we rejoice in the Hope of tbe Glory of God: and not only Jo, but we glory in Tribula– tiom; fo firong, real, lively, powerful, are thole hopes of Glory in us as to · rife to this; thus Verfe the 3d. But then, ve~f I 1. he rifeth yet highe;; Not only fo, but we.alfo joy. ill God, and make himlelf the top of our rejoicing, far beyond our bemg glonfied by htm, and our hopes thereof. Why? 'For in our being ~lorified by him, we are Paj/i<·CJ,loved,rather than love ; glorified, rather than gtve glory : But in the exerci[e of this Grace and Duty, the Soul is AfJive, and cafis Glory upon God's Acts, and upon him, reverberates all the Glory that fhines upon them, back again upon him, and that for wha~ is in himlelf, as a God in him[df, fo glorious, dwelling in Light inaccdlible, Immortal, only Wile, &c. Yet this mu[! be added, that withal the Soul confiders, that this God that is thus Great and Excellent, is allo his God. He rejoices to put that in all, though fiillthe top of his Praile, and his folace therein, doth rife and reach far higher. Therefore you find praifing God, and my God, fo ofren in the PfolnJ joined, and in the Prophet I [a, Chap. 25. !, 2. although his Praife is F for