Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the I(nott~ledg of (jod the Father, ~,T-his Soul as thole will rejoice in God,fo exult in giving thofe prailes to God; B0 0 K I. Plal. 92. !. It i; a good tbing to ftng Praifts nnto thy Name, 0 moft High r And l...f'V"J he founds it upon this, For thou, Lord, haft made me glad thro11gh thy Work;: It is a good Thing; that is, It is a fweet and pleafant thmg, even Pra~fe It felf is. Pfal. 13 5· 3· 'Praift ye the L ord, for the Lord 1J good; Jing praift to hu Name, for it is pleafmt. Plal. 147. I. _'Praift ye the Lord, for it is good to Jing Praijeto God, for it is ple4imt, and Praife 11 comely. . . . Duvid fpeaks it as the Joy of his Soul, that he lhould yet hve to prade htm; and he yet {hall praile him more and more, Pfol. 43· 4, 5· . He expreffeth '.t as his greattfl Ambition, and delight ofSoul, that he lhould hve yet to praife him. He does this with his whole Heart; Pfal.9.1,2. 1 will praift thee, 0 Lord, with my whole Heart, I will f/Jew forth all thy 11Jarvello!H Work;; I will be glad, and re– joice in thee ; 1wilt Jing Prat[e to thy Name, 0 tho11 moft High. And therefore in praifing of him, you find, they fay, .Amenand Amen, as m 'Pfol. 41. 33· and Pfol. 72. 18. which !hews all heartinefs. . That Soul can go over all Ages pafr,and be affeCl:ed with the Praifes that have been given to God by the Saints and Angels in all Ages.. ,To read the 'Pfolvu, wherein David and the 'Pjabmfls pra~fe him. To read m the Revelattons, how •the Angels, the four and twenty Elders,.and the four Beafis, and_all Creatures praife him. He can begm and let down With the Angels, thofebnght Morning Stars, that began lo early to praife God for the Creation of rhe World; Job 38. 7· Then the Morning Stars fong together, and all the Sons of God jb011ted for Joy; And hecan !bout with them, that they then did fo. He can then fit down in the Ark Wtth Nnah, and glonfy God with him, for that the Lord fot at the Flood, Pfal. 29. 10. So mofr Interpreters render it, and interpret it, That he fat as a Judg, taking vengeance on the old World, and Ungodly, after fo much long futfering; and fat on the Throne of Mercy, prcfervmg Noah, that High· teous one, and thus the Chalde paraphrafe on it. And that which follows,confirms it i Yea, the Lord fat King for ever; He did that great ACl: once, and ever fincc he bath held being King, and will do lo to everlafling. This Man can join with Mll'ian1 and Moftt at the Red Sea, Gen. 50. and Gng the Song of Mojes, and of the Lamb, as they do Rev. 15. He can bear a part with Hannah, and all thole 'Pfolmodifls in their Elogiums, •nd high Exaltations of God; even as the Pfal– mifl, we find, did join with Mofes in celebrating his Praife for his Wonders then done in Eg;pt, and in the Red Sea. His Heart falls in with thofe Angels Song, when they proclaim'd the Birth of our Redeemer; Glory to God on High, 'Peace >~•f•l"' on on Earth, good Will towards Men: Yea, as one well fays, .Aures habet ad audien– I'fo/. ''· 5· dam Cc!omm pr~dication<m. He bath Ears to hear the Heavens, declaring the Glory of God, and his Soul can make Mufick on it ; for thus we read Rev. 5· when every Creature, ver[ 13. that iJ in the Heaven!, and in the Earth, &c. faid, Ble}fi"g,Honour, '1)ower, and Glory,be unto him that jitJ opon the Throne,and unto the Lal)lb, (or ever and ever : That the four Beafts foid, Amen. And the four and twenty Eiders fell down and worjhipped him that lives for .ever and ever; they fell in with them. A.nd as a further Ground for this latter Branch, we find the An– gels hearing the Saim1ofMankind giving Praife to God, and faying, Salvation to our God which fits upon the Throne, and to the Lamb: We find, that all the An– gels that frood round about the Throne, That they fell down before the Throne on tleir Faces, and worjbipped God, foying, .Amen. They join with the Song that the Samts of Men fung unto God,though they were not concerned in it; Not in Salvauon,for they fell not,yet they fay, .tfmen; and then they add oftheir own, 'BleJfing, ancl Glory, and Wifdom, and Thanksgiving, and HonoHr, and 7Jower, and M1glt, be unto our God, for ever and ever. Amen, And where there is fuch a frame of Spirit raifed in the Heart of a Man filled with the Glory ofGod· as the An– gtls fall in with our Song, we can fall in with theirs, and with that of all the Creatures. CHAP·