Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

rv/nd'h~ Son !fefus -Chrifi, From hence therefore, the Pfalmift dcfcends tofet out God's abfolute . Domi- "-..\...r1 nion (as the only Potentate) which he bath over all things that are in thefe Chap. 7· lower parts of his Dominion, which are his Foot·l1ool. As namely, over thefe ~ vilible Heavens, the Suburbs of thofe higher, and over the Earth, verf 9· Thort r11left the r.ging ofthe Sea: whC11 the Waver thereof arifo, thou Jlilleft them. .The Heavem arethine, the Earth alfo if thine: a< for the World and the fitlnefl thereof, thou haftfo~tnded them, . The North and the So1:th tho11 haft created them: Taborand Hermonjba/1 rejoice in thy Name. And m thiS latter Paffage he quarters forth the World, the North ~nd the South; and Tabor,and HmJJo>z (which two'·fiood Eaft and Weft) to {hew that his Power reacheth to every Nook and Corner of the World. And for a manifefl: invincible Evidence ofhis Power in thefe lower parts of Dominion (this World) he gives infl:ance ofone fort ofSoveraign Acts, (which fufficiemly argue his Power ov~·" all things elre, wbatfoever, here below.) And thofe Acts too fuch as were done in Performance of, and to make good his Covenant, promifed to .Abraham (for the Mercies of his Covenant are the thing he profecutes); they are hisWonderr wrought in Egypt, and at the R ed Sea, refcuing his People from thence by an out-11retched Arm, verC9, Io. Thou mleft the raging oftheSea: when the Waves thereofrife, tho~t,Jlilleft thw1, Thou h.zjl brok,sn Rahab in piecer, M one that i1 jlain, thoJt haft fcattered thine Enemier with thy jiro11g Arm. The Pfalmift fiill goes on to let forth the Glory of this King and Kingdom by Allufions anfwerable to what the.Pomp and State of i'ropheta ad Regni in– Kings doth lye. And mdeed the h1ghdl: Glones of the mort H1gh fignia vel Pampas allu– (as he is a King) are yet to follow, which lye in this, that his own dens,. dicit 'Judicium & Internal Effential Attributes, and Perfonal Excellencies, are all 'J'ifl."'."'" efle fulturmn fufficient to conrtitute him a King, and then to fupport his Great· folu CJU>: Clemmtiam. c• d h Jd c h d (, M · (l d 1 d " Vmwem ciTe ·Appanronefs, an to o 10rt .'an expre sa •Je y an Sp en our, llich res: Acli diceret loco as alone cloth render htmdreadfid, and to be revered ofall that are purpur,, vel diadema– abollt him, [o as ~e needetlt not any thmg outward, no addmonal ' tis, vel fceptri, his inlig– Giory, or Enfign of Majerty, but Himfelf, and his own Divine nibus ornari Deum quod Perfel.tions, are inrtead and beyond all fuch Forreign Ornaments. 1uftus fit, & "quusMundi That whereas Earthly Kings (their Perfons being Mortal, &c. as Judex, mifencors Pater, other Men) do therefore need acceffory Circumrtances ofState and fidehs filOTLlln Protetl:or. R b P . . NamqmaTerremsRcgJ- <:;randure, o es of urple, Crowm of Gold, enm;hcd wtth mort bus 11011 fuppetit intriufePrectOIH Stones, wuh whtch Solomon was clothed m all Royalty, cadignitas, aliunde earn Srepters al[o and Maces of Honour, and Swords to be carried afore mutuanr. Deus autem them, alfo Thrones and Canopies of State, &c. and all to dazzle qui fc uno comentus, nul– the Eyes, and beget a Reverence and Dread in them that are about lis adminiculis indiget, them, or in others oftheir Subjects. But our great God and King fplendorem tmagtms fu:e hath no ·need ofany of thefe things, no outward thing to greaten, ~it~;~'[,'"• b~bitate,& v~or aiiirt him. Now the Attributes he mentions are four, or offour ' Calvin.~~ r~c.!S propomt. Ranks. Firrt, In verf 14. yon read that Juflice and }11dgment (that is, Righteoufnefs The lik! you and Righteous Adminil1rations) are the E.(iablifoment (as in the Margem) ofh;; have(fp:ak_– Throne. He needs not, as SolofJton, an Artificial Throne, Lyonr, &c. asSolomon's ''if of hu Throne had, and needeth not his Subjects Hearts, his own Jullice is fi.tfficient to Ki?!fdom.J found and fupport his Throne. Pfal. 97· 2. Secondly, Whereas Kings have .J/1ace·bearerr, and Nobles to be:tr the Sword to go afore them; alfo Meffengers of State that rtand ready to go forth to ex~ ecutc any J?efign : So God as in the fame I 4th Verfe, Mercy 1111d Tmth arc before tby Face, etther to carry the Enfigns (whtch mdced themfelves are ftifficiently) or as ready togo abroad, (Tanptam.Appllritores) to effect whatever he would have done in the behalfofhis People. Thus elfewherc, when David wa 9 to be deli– vered, as in Pfal. 57· 3· God jhaU fe11d Ji'om Heaven, fays he, (as from his Court and Palace) And whom will he fend ? lt follows, GodJba/1fend forth hi1 MERCY and hi1 TRVTH. Creatures might fail, but if Mercy it ftlf, and Truth be entrul1ed to difpatch his decreed Purpofes, thefe will be fure to do it throughly and to purpofe, as we fay, for the Good of his Chofen, and the ma– king Good ofhis Covenant. Thirdly, Thefe carile down armed with all the Power that is in God the Lord ofHojls to aiiirt them, and fo can never fall fhort ofAbility for the Performance, G ~ verf.