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and bi8 Son !fefut c'hrifl:. And look as iri the former Verfes, he had fet out wherein our Eternal Life~ lies; namely, to know God, and him whom he hath fent: So in this Verfc, he Chap. 5· defcribes wherein his own Eternal Ltfe hes, (I call It fo, for of htm now in Hea- ~ ven it is (aid, in that he lives, he lives to God); And it lies in God ; G!orijj me with thineorvn feif. But his Mediatorial Glory, arifing from his Works of Mediation as R.edemption and Interceffion, is a Glory he hath afore God, and in his view,' and which God gives him; but it arifeth ftom his. MeJiatory Atl:ion, ai the Salvation of his Saints, as 2 Thejf I. 10. But thiS oflm Perfon, IS a Glory he hath in God, and with God alone, in the Enjoyment ofall that God is. As ifhi: fhould have faid, Father, let the Glory which is thine, .be mine. Make me Glorious with the Glory thy (elf haft; with a Glory from Thee, and with a Clory in Thee. Nor is it the Manifefl:ation of his Glory only unto others (as fome would have it) he prays for, and in that Senfe, to be glorifi<d as his Father was : 1t is a thing beyond it, a Glory fevered from that of Manifefl:ation; for that is but outward, but this is an inward intrinfecal Glory of his Perfon, enjoyed in God, and with God; and fuch as God had, and which he fhould to Hiqt(elf enjoy, and within Himfelf, a Glory in and between ~od and Him, confifl:ing in that intimate enure Converfe wtth God,and a free enJoyment ofall the Sweetneffes, Perfections of the God-head, upon an account ofperfonal R.ight to them, and 1merefl: in them as his own, by virtue of his Union : And he is therefore faid to come in his own Glory, and his Father's Glory, Lu% 9· 26. That though it fhould fhine in him and throughout htm, yet mwardly much more. 2. You may obferve, he fpecifies it to be that Glory he had with his Father when there was no World; that if you could il1ppofe there were no World, no Creature extant, Saint nor Angel, yet let me be glorified (C1ys he) with thine own (elf perfonally, and then I !hall be glorious indeed. For that Glory I had with Thee afore the World was, was Without any Work of Mediation done, or Creature made: And let me have but that Glory, and I have enough. And fo, this is not that which his Mediation brought him in, or that which confilled therein. 'Tis true, (f.1ys he,) I have a Glory from all thefe Saints that are about me, and I am glorified in them, as 2 "17Jejf 1. 10. you have it, and they in me; and "tis my Blood and Interceffion bath brought them hither. Yea, ahd they are glori– fied by beholding my Glory: But what is all this in comparifon ofthis alone, for me to be glorified with Thee and in Thee alone ? This is the heighih of my De– fires and Prayers: And this Glory is my perfonal Due, and bath been lufpended to purchafe an additional Glory by my Mediation. Yea,but this is the Glorv I af– pireafter,and have in mine Eye ab11ve all other; and let us retire ioto each ~ther, and enjoy it alone together; and therefore, G/orijj me with thine ownfilf: Draw the Curtains, as it were, upon all Glories e](e, whether ofmine, or from all others I am glorified in, That Thou and I may fingly and feparately enjoy each other. Other leffer Differences there are between this Perfonal and Mediatorial Glo– ry, which might be added. As, I. The Glory of his Perfon is his Birth-right, as Son of God : Heb. 1.4. 'Be~ ing made[o m11ch better than the .Angels, tU he hathby Inheritance obtained a more <x– ceUent Name than ihey, The Glory that rifes from his Mediation, and the Works thereof, i• but acquired Acceffory and Additional, won, and won by Conquefl:. He got by hi< Bow, as 'jacob (peaks, Gen. 48. 22. If you would ask, Which ofthefe two Glories, belonging to God-Man,are the greatefl: ? Your own Thoughts, I believe, have by this Time, cafl: and determi– ned, that this of his Perfonal Glory dorh infinitely exceed that of his Mediatory Glory, or ofhis Office: Whether. as Head to us, or R.edeemer? although there was none m Heaven, or m Earth; that could have Curtained thefe but He. For, r. That i• the Glory of the very Godhead, dwelling perfonally in him, break– ing forth in, and fhining through his Human Nature ; as if the Sun being en– compaffed with a Cafe ofChryrtal, how glorious would that Chryfl:al be! A Glory, fuch as is only worthy toappeor in him thatis .one Perfon with God. This is the greatefl: and higheft Glory; as well as Myfiery; God manifefl:ed in the Fle!h;