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Of the I(ztolPledg o{ (jod the Father, . ~ Flelli; feen of Angels, taken up into Glory. For this, Let aU tf,e Angels worjhip BooK Ill. him, (asHeb. 1. 6. when he brings ·his firft-begotten into the World the Second LfV',.J Time); meerly for the excellency of his Perfon and Name,which by Inheritance he bath obtained above them; and not for Redemption of them, which is not there fpoken of as ofthem. 2. It was the Excellency and lntrinfick Glory of his :Perlon, from whence thole Divinely-humane Atls of his Mediation did flow, and receive their value and virtue therefrom : His Blood becaule it is the Blood of Ood-Man, and la of the relt. 3· It is the Glory ofhis Perfon as God-Man united; that is, That Glory which after the Work of Redemption for us, and the Application ofit to us fini– {hed, (as after the Day of Judgment it will be) when he lliall have given up his Difpenfatory Kingdom to his Father ; Then it is he eminently appears in his own perfonal fingle Glory (as I may call it) for ever: I term it his fingle perianal Glory which he will fit in Heaven with. You muft know, if you have not known it, That his Type, the High Prieft, went into the Holy of Holies, ftrip'd ofallhisgawdy Robes: you lee him pitlured meerlyin fingle plain Priell's Gar– ments ofLinnen: and it typified this out, That Chrift's perfonal Glory is 1bat with which in the Holy of Holies he lliall moll eminently, and above all others, appear for ever in, and fit down in it. And there he fits, lliall the Saint• fay, appearing in the form ofGod; and fo he is the mmofl vifible Image ofGod,tous: And was he, that furthermore did that great Office and Service to God,and Love to us, to bring us all who are here about him, out of the depth of Sin and Mile– ry, hither to this Place with him, and purchafed all the Glory we lliall ever have: And this perlonal Glory, is that Glory, the beholding of which, the BldTednefs ofthe Saintsdoth lie in, it is to behold his Perfon. For, as he prays for it here for himlelf, ']oh. 17. 5· Glorijj me, in, and with thine own ftlf: So he prays for them, whom God had given him, that they may be where he is, (perlonally Refident); That they might behold my Glory, verC 24- F11ther, I will, that they alfo whom thou haft given me, may be with me where 1am, that they may behold my Glory which tho11 haft given me. And it is the Glory of his Perfon is above all there meant; for as elfewhere, it is feeing him a< he is, that is the. heighth of our Happinefs, 1 ']oh. 3.1,2. [As he is] (Mark it) that is, what his very Perlon is; beyond, and befides all that he bath done,or by his Perfon bath aCted or pro– cured: This is the Glory the Apomes fo adored, as the higheft Evidence and Effiux ofhis being the Son of God. All the Evangelifls record the Story of his appearance on the Mount: The Apo(t]e John he crys out in a Parenthefis of Wonderment; John I. 14. And we beheld hir Glory, the Glory ofthe only begotten ofthe Father, though fhining in him but in the Days of his Flel11. And "Peter he magnifies and exalts it above all things elfe he had to C1y of him, or could al– Jedg in teflimony for his being the Chrift, and Son of God; We C1w his Perfon in Glory, 2 Pet. I. 16, 17, 18. We were Eye-Witne.Jfes of his Majejly. For we have not followed cunningly devifed Fables, when we made k.z;01vn unto you the "Power and Co111ing of our Lord JefJH Chri{i ; but were Eye-Witne.Jfes of his Majejly. For he received front God the Father J!ono11r and Glory, when there came fltch a Voice to hi111 from the exceUent Glory, Thir ir my beloved Son in whom1 am well plea– fed. And this Jloice which came ji'onJ Heaven we heard, when we were 2vith him in the Holy Mount. And this Glory his Father then gave him from forth of the fuper-excelling Glory of his own, now breaking forth in him, and upon him, as an aforehand Demonflration and Specimen of what he was to wear in Heaven ; where it is the excelling Excellency of his Glo– ry there fpoken of, cloth appear. And 'tis plain, it was his perfonal Glory that "Peter bath reference unto; and he interprets what is meant by the Glory Perfonal, which Chrifl in this Prayer fays, John 17. 22. that God gave him : And the Glory which thou gavefl me, I have given them: that he might give us the like; namely, by meerly beholding him, and that His Glory, perf 24. And to conclude it from the Text, It is this Glory, by the courfe of his Prayer, he afpires at, as the top and highefl of his Glory.· For you may oblerve, that he afcends in thofe his fir(l: Requel!s made for Himfelf: He begins to ask a being glorified in refpetl: of his Office;