Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and M Son !fefus Cbri.ft, fice; both for to perform his Work, and that after, and for the Performance ~ of it, to have the Reward promifed .him for it, peculiar and proper to Chap. 5· · it, whith was, To be known and acknowledged the Mediator, and tbai: ~ had the Power to give Eternal Life to them that believe : And fo, that Glory was for us, and our Salvation ordained Him, "' the Wor~s fhew. Well, but he foars up unto a Glory that is purely his Pwn, and for Himfelf alone ; He llys up to the very top-Pihacle, the Supream Subli~ mity of the Divinefl: Glory, the utmofl: he could ask, and that for Him– fel£:; and enforces it from the highefl: .Argument, The Glory which I had with Thee, afore the World WM. And fo ends his Prayer for Himfelf; for he bad faid the utmofl:. And therefore this is the Crown of All. T CHAP~