I 38 Of the l(,noTPled_g of (jod the Father, ~ BooK Ill. ~--------------------------------------- CHAP. V I. The fxpofitionof Jome other 'Pajfages in Job. 17. That (jod ha11ing firfi predqftinated [hrirl to be (jod– Man, this mo11ed him to Elect us, to compleat his Glo~y. The firfl ~<:"1\doti'Ve TPas, That as he TPasto be an Head,there might not be TPanting to himaper– fect 'Body to participate TPith him in the enjo)ment of his 'Blejfednefs. Hon:>the c8\darriage of Adam in P aradife, TPas a Type of the ~elation betn:>een Chrifl and the Elect his Spoufe, dejigned before the confiderationof the Fall. The fecond Moti'VeTPas, 'That a tjlory additional to Chrifl's perfonal {jlory, mi_ght accrue to him as God-Man, from their being Elected. The third ~9\doti"VeTPasdrawn from the lnterefl and Part which Chrifl predeftinated God– Manhad, together TPith his Father, in electing them, !John 17. I. And the Glory which thou gaveO: me, I have given them, that they may be One, even as we are One. The meanin:s of the TPords explained, by Jn[wers to fome 0:feries. What that Glory is TPhich the Father had gi11en toChrift. l.f7hat that Glory is, TPhich [hrifi thereupon aftigns as his on:>n Gift to us. When was the Time of gi11ing this Glory to him, and to us. The fourth Moti11e is, What Chrift reprefentsto his Father, viz. the Glory TPhich the accomplijhmentof thisVeft~nTPi/1 bring to him– felf, andtohis Father, when the Union and Glory of the Saints, fha/1 thereby be perfected at the lafl VayoftheWorld. HAving thus opened the fifth Verfe, which fets out the Glory of Chrifi, as God-Man, giVen him m hts Elechon by the Father; which was, and is, the proper Interefl: of his Perfon, as he was chofen to be . God-Man, fimply confidered. ! come next unto thofe fpecial Motives built thereon, made on our behalf, and as thofe which moved God, or, which God had an Eye unto, in his Choice or Election of us ; with a refpeCl unto Chrifl:, as firfl: ordained for himfelf.