imd hts Son !fefur Cbri(t. to us: The Wife is Bone of his Bone, who is the Hutband, which figmfied (""-./~ Chrift, and his Church. . . . . ~ And if it be laid, That we were gtven unto htm but wtth thiS as an after, propofal; that he might become Man for us, and then to marry _us for our fakes only; That, I fay, is not figmfied at all by bemg gtven ~o htm; but the contrary rather: For, in that fenfe 1t would rather have been fatd, That he was given to them, as both in the Old Teftament, and when mcarnate; _To m a Son h born, to 111 a Son h given, ( whtch we all acknowledg); And m the New, God gave hh Son for m.. But when a Thing isfaid to be given a~ a Gift to ano– ther, ( as here we to Chnft) tt tmports the Favour iliewn to !urn to whom tt is given ; and therefore this giving th~fe Perfons, (which was the firft Giving that pa!fed) fignifies, They were gtven to htm for hts fake, as a fingular Gift and Favour to him. It remains therefore, that they were given as meet Com– panions, Children, Spoufes unto him already ordained, and fet liP as God-Man, to be an Everlafting Father, and by like reafon, an Everlafting Husband to them, (they are both of the fame Nature in God's Decree, and his own Under– taking). And being thus qualified and fitted to own them as .fuch, it was therefore that he took them to be his, under thefe Relations, as being now, and by this Ordination of God's become a meet Husband, Father, Head, unto them. And to what end were they then given him, but that they iliould be owned by him, and received by him, to be his under thofe Relations, as well as they were the Father's in his Relation. And truly, this is no other than what was prefigured and fore-figoified, at and by the very firfl: Creation of Man, when the execution of God's Purpofes did firfl: begin; and therein his Everlafting Purpofes about Chrift and his Church, were to be veiled under the Type and Shadow of the firfl: Man .AdarJ1; both in his Formation and Marriage, which was, as foon as there was any fuch Subject capable to bear the Type of Chrift and of his Church. His firfl: formation, God himfelf declared to have been according to his own Image, which, as I anci– ently underftood it, was according to the Ori– ginal Pattern of Humane Nature, firft fct up in Chrift's Ordination to be Man, as, in the Idea ofGod's Eternal Decrees,he was the firft– Born of every Creature. And then, as for his Marriage with Eve his Wife, formed out of him; thofe Divines that fl:and for Chri(l's ha– ving been primarily otdained, ufe to alledge it for one proof thereof; that that Speech of his, Bone of my Bone, &c. And for this caufo a 1\ofan JhaU cleave to hu Wife, Gen. 2.'23, 24. was intended by God, ( though Adam under– fiood it not, as Caiph.u did not his Prophecy) of our Chrift and his Church; aud fo of that intended Union of Chrifl: and his Church ; though in execution brought about after the Fall, yet in Intention, firfl: decreed without the confideration had of the Fall ; it being uttered by him in his pure and innocent con– dition afore he fell. But this now I infifl: not on largely to explain,having done it elfewhere; that whtch I here alledge it for, is, That look as .Adam (his Type herein) was firfl:, :hat thus Chnfl: was firft, in God's Intention abfo– lutely ordained to be God-Man. And that therefore, becaufe he Gwuld not be alone God had given and predeftinated his Church'to be a Spoufc to him; anp from Everlafting brought Her, and prefented Her (as wbo was to be made out of him) as a Gift, infinitely more valuable Robertus Bodius, late Profeffor [itcce!Jively ili three VniveYjities, Jetting forth the. Parallels of that Myjleryof Chrifl, audof that Jirjl Marriage of Adam. Sobne, ~ec extra Scnptun:e can– cellas evagando : Pnmum, ut Oeus non bonum ju~ic~vit Adan:u':l _quem in generis humani PnnCipem, pnnopmmque condiderat, folum pcrmanere,~ Adjuto~ii fibi c?nvenientis exper– tem; Ita euam nolmt Chnftum Jefum quem vitre& falutis <ip;Jf)"vquem Elettorum Omni– um Caput &Colurnen, ab !Eternofratuerat fo– lum permanere & citra Ecclefiam, fure illins glorire &. beat~tati~ confortem : Quinimo ficut Adamus 1pfe !Jcet m fe perfe<'tus tamen abfq· hac vltre fure focia & compare fe' quodammod~ n~ancum ~dhuc fcntit &imperfeCtum : fie etiam jefi.1s. c,l1~·lftus, etfi gloria,dignitate,Majeftate,& omnmmmfi1mma perfeCtione coronatnr · tanta ~cclcfiamiitam charit_atedignatur, ut h;nc fibi m Corpus & Complcmcntum adfcifcat : Et abfq:, hujus Confortio,fequodammodomancuni & imperfettum exifrimet : Ne magis illam fu– am glonam& beatitarem folus in reternum ob– tinere velit & poniderc quam Caput aliquod li– ne Corpore & Membris fibi fubjettis perpetuo remanere. Thus he, 111 Eph. q. p.835. columna fecunda. ~r1d again, p. 833. Sicut no~ aliunde quam ex 1pfo Adamo facta eft Uxor 1pfiq; in Adju– men.ttun .rr.a~lta: Ita non almnde quam ex ipfo Chnfi.? mttnun. fu~pfit ~c~lefia .i quippe qui Confiho ac Deftmanone Dtvma pnmus omnium Porn1s eft, & fundamentum i11ud EleCtmn ac pr::etiofum, cui totamEcclefia:: ~dificium filper– Jh·uerctur : Mofcs hac fortafie refpicicns em-· phatica illa vEdifi~and; voce utitur, &c~