Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the 1\!!owledg of {jod the Father, ~ valualable than all the World befides, which God had made for him: And God Bo ° KIll. put her into Chrilh Heart and Bofom, and then Chrirt rook her as given him ~ by his Father to be his; and to cleave to her alone for ever, and to communicate his own Glory unto her, in her defigned proportion: And that Ad"'" and his Marriage, was in this very thing thus the Type of Cbrirt and his Church, in their Union and ConjunCtion ; the Application of the Apoflle of .Adam's Speech thereumo,_manifeflly iliews, in Ephef 5· 30~ 3!. For we are Members of hi< Body, of hi< Nejb, and of hi< Bones, For thi< Caufl j!u/1 a M ,m leave his Fa– ther a11d Mother, and fhaU be joined unto his Wift, and they two j!MII be one Flefh. And how Adant was alone and ftrjl made, the Story in Genejis tells you; and the Apoflle elfewhere, I Cor. I!. 8. For, the iWan is not of the Woman, hut the Wo1Jia1Z of t/Je Ma11. 2. Paffage or pJrticular Motiveintht /Y(;rds. Ver[ Io. .And I am glorified in them. It is from his own Imerell: in Us, as he is God-Man, he pleads ; and his Plea is, That befides his fingle perlonal Glory ordained him, verf 5· And his Interefl in us then, by the Father's having given us to him, velj 6. there was deligned therewith a Glory that iliould accrue out of them to him, befides that which was perlonally his due : God's End in giving them to him being, that Chrifl might be glorified in them, and their Union with God effected by him; which Union is, that he centers in, in the conclufion of the I llh Verfe, That they may be One, a< we are One: which in plain words is, That in giving them Me, 0 Father, thou aimed(( at, and did(( ordain withal, A Glory to me in them, and them for my Glory : And thofe words [ And I ant glorified in them J have in their coherence, this import in them ; That not thou only, 0 Father, art glo– rified in them, b11t I ,i/jo ; I as well as Thou. I have a joint-Uock of Glory by thy Decree running along with'thine,in them,and to be had out of them,even as thou ha((. He had f.1id, jull: afore, .AUmine are thi11e, a11d thine are mine; All thingr (as I openLd it; as well as all Perlons: All Things are in common, His as well as his Father's; and lo the Perlons of thele were his, in that highe(( pro– portion of lnterell: and ProprietY, as well as his Father's; and a Glory to ac– crue therefore from thele, according to that propohion, is my due allo, as well as the Father's; and is as if he had faid, I (Father) have, according to thine own Decree, accepted them for mine: ,Now therefore perform that Defign of thine, which, together with thy Gift of them, thou ordained{[ them unto, and them to Me, which was and is my Glory : yea, and therein lay the greatnefs and ex– cellency of the Gift of them, ( as to me) that my Glory was to be a Sovereign End of them, together with Thine. And this, the parallel of the former Type will allo warrant; Of the Woman 'tis laid, ilie is the Glory of the Man, I Cor. 1 I. 7. And to be his Glory in this relpeCl among other, That he bad lo noble a Creature as the Woman on purpofe macle for him: Even as of us 'tis faid, We are the Glory of Chrijl, 2 Cor. 8. 23. But more exprefly in verf 9· of Chap. I I. Neither was the Man created for the Woman, h11t the Woman for the lvian; there is the Type. Now that Chrill: isthe Man, the Husband and Head ofhis Church, and ilie the Spoufe, Ephef 5· 23. informs us, For the Husband is the Head of the Wift, even as. Chrijl is the Head of the Ch11rch ; and he is the Saviour of the Body. Tis undeniable, but that Cbrill:'s St·eech, Joh.5. 23. (That all Men j!JOitld ho– nour the Son, even as they hnnoHr the Father; He that honoureth not the Son, ho– nouretb not the Father whi,h J,ath Jint hint) carries this with it, That by God's Ordinance, the S:m bath • joint Stock with his Father, in the dilpenf.1tion ofall Things ; aud lo of the Glory that iliall arile from thence : And that it was fpo· ken of him confidered as God-Man, or of the Son of God perlonally united unto that Man Jeius, tbe coherence of that Speech in verf 22. afore, and ver[27. after, do manifefllv (hew: For in ver[22. He declaring what fovereign Honour it was which be iliared in, he lays, The Father bath committed all Judgment to the Son: And then, in ver( 27. he further explains himlelf, how it is to be under– ll:ood of him; Tht p,,f.\er hath give" him A11thority to exeC11te Judgment a!fo, [he– caufe he is the Son of MBn J; and thel'efore as luch confidered, is that lpoken of