and hi8 Son !fefus Chrifl. of him verj. 23. And accordingly the Lamb (which is Chrift God-Man) bath a~ joint Tribute and Revenue ofGlory given him with the Father, Rcv._5· 12, Ij. ~ Worthy is the Lamb that was jlam, to remve Power, and Rtches, and Wifdom, and Strmgth and Honom·, and Glory, and Blejflng. And every Cm1t11re whirh is i 1 t Heaven,' and on the Earth, and under t~e Earth, amifoch 111 are in the Se,t, and all that are in theiJI, het~rd I, foying, Bleffzng, Honour, Glory, and Power be unto him thatJitteth 11pon the Throne, and unto the Lambfor ever and ever. Yea, I f.1y further, That this Glory ofhis, bei~g a SoveraignParamount End (though under his Father) becomes a nght and )Uft due to h1m as God-Man, when conftituted fo to be ; and that the Samts and all Creatures, !hould m the1r feveral Ways and Proportions, ferve unto his Glory as well as to the Father's. For by the Came Ground, that qther Royalties which are fo Divine and God– like' become an undeniable Due'to him (as that, becaufe his Perfon is the only beg~tten Son of God ; that therefore, he !hould have a Divine perfonal Glory, anfwerable to the Fulnefs ofthe God-head, dwelling bodily or perfonally in him, as 1 ']oh.18. !hews.) So this of a SupreamEnd!hip, in like manner with the Fa– ther ; this latter mull be no more demed h1m than the other. They Object, The Glory of Chrifr, as God-Man, is but a Creature. r Reply, 1. The very Glory of God which is given him by us Creatures, and arifeth out of all Creatures, (which we term his Manifeftative, (not Eifcntial) Glory) is but a Creature in it !elf: And yet, becaufe the Terminw, or Perfon it belongs or-redounds unto, is God; therefore, We fay of it, that it is The Glory of God; in that refpect it is fo Supream, as it may not be given unto another, that is, not to Creatures. 2. Chrift'sG!ory, as God-Man, is but a Creature, yet it redo11ncls to the Glory of him; that is, God, who is One Perfon with a Creature, and thereupon !hine– ing in that Creature : And it is a Divine Glory, and you are to efree~ and adore it as the Glory ofthe only begotten Son ofGod. You may fee tlm m a Parallel Cafe to it; Take Chrift's Obedience and Sufferings, and they are but Creatures materially con!idered; yet in relation to the Perfon that is the Subject ofthem, whole theyare (though perf~rmed but in the Human Nature) and they are faid · to be the cBioocl of God, and ](zghteoufoef of God. So here, the Glm:y that appertains and belongs to this Perfon, is a Glory belonging unto God ; and is not to be levelled with the Glory of Endlliip, belonging unto any the mofi glorious Creatures, or all Creatures. You will again fay, This Glory ofChrift as God-Man, was given him, (as in, this Prayer he acknowledgeth) by an Act ofvoluntary Predefrination, as well as ours, and what is to us voluntarily given, might in the fir({ rearing of it up and Ordination, be difpofed ofas Arbitrarily,and fo for other Ends; as namely, for us and our Salvation. r Anfwer, rjl. It was a meer arbitrary ACl: in God to ordain his Son to be God– Man; and he might have chofen whether he would predeftinate him, or not, to fuch a Glory. Tis true alfo, It was purely voluntary in God, whether he would have ordained any others with him, or any other Thin& beRdes him; and ifany other Perfons With h1m, whether to have made h1m the1r Head only preferving them from finnmg, or Withal, a Redeemer from Sm, upon the Fall. But frill, if he would Co ordain him, it muft be an Ordination worrhy of him that is his Son ; and let that be whatfoever God pleafeth: yet frill, that whatever muft be ordained unto his Glory as well_as to the Fathers,_ hemuft be the Soveraign End of all, as well as h1s Father; th1s falls to h1m as h1s R•ght. H,b, 1. 2. It is f<•id, he was The appointed Heir of all Things, (which muft be meant of him as God– Man); and for him to be God-Man, d~pended upon Appointment, yet being appomted, he ts fa1d to have lt by Inherttance, ver( 4· Being made fo m11ch better than the Angeh, ""he hat/; by lnherita11ce obtained a more excetlent Name than they : And [o by a natural Right, becaufe he is a Son; for fo it follows, ver( 5· For unto 1vhich of the .Angehflid IJC at any Time, Thmt art nry Son, this D ay have I be– gotten Thee. .So as mdeed, in the appointing him to be God-Man, he nece!farily conftituted !urn the Hetr of all Things, which he !hould otherwiie, or befides him