----~~~a~nd~b-~=s~~~fi~~-us~C~h_rr~~-·~-----~45 Nature ofa Gift, efpecially ofthat Gift, to fuch a Perfon, required): He rhus ~'l fer up, and confiitutcd, _in this Glory of God-Man, he was nor only rherequi- Chap. 6. , fire Means, or Medmm to convey a Glory ~o us, but he was by the PtiViledg ~ and Prerogative hereof empowered to convey It by way ofGift, and to make a Deed of Gift of the like Glory and Union to us: And fo, as unleG in that manner, he did make it over to us, and fer his Hand to it, and Signed it, as a concurrent Giver of it with his Father, we had never had it. And I (fays he) gave un 7 to thofe my Father had given me, out of Love to my Father, tvho h<~d loved both them and 1ne, Portions forth, to each of them, out ofthat Glory he had given me : And I did give it as freely to them, as my Father had freely given mine unto me, t0 the end that I and·they may be one, and live for ever together, verf 24. That fo their Glory and Union with me and my Father, may be perfeil:ed by their be.- holding that perfonal Glory fo Reculiarly proper to me, given me by my Father, Every tittle of this may be evinced from the Afpeil: and Correfpondency this 22d Verfe holds with verf. 5· together with the immediate Connexion ofthe fol, !owing 23d, and 24th Verfes. And indeed, thefe 22d,23d and 24th Verfes, do continue the Cumofall the former put together, as the Conclufion of his Prayer for the whole Church ; the refr being for the Apoftles. This being the Sum, I n1all open and prove the Particulars therein contained, either by Anfwers to certain ~1eries, or feveral plain and fimple Affertions, and both founded upon the Words. r. f(!!ery. Firfr, What is ""ant here by that Glory which the Father had gh·en to Chrifl? Anfwer. Firfr, :A(jgatively. . I. It is not that EUential Glory abfrraaJy confidered as his Second Perfon, without thefuppofed Union ofthe Man-hood: (In that manner as bath been ex– plained.) I will not only urge for this, that it's faid to be a Gift given him; for his Effential Glory ofthe Second Perfon abftra{i]y confidered, was by natural Generation communicated tO him: Bur a Gift is what is meerly out of Will, and Good-Will, beftowed. But this Argument for it would be alone fufficient, that he plainly !peaks this Speech ofhimfelfas a Mediator, or Head of Union to us; as verf. 2 2, 23. !hew. And the Glory which tho1t gaveft me, I havegiven them : thut they ~?tay be one,even M we are (jne. I in tbem, and thou in me, that they ,»ay be made perfi& in one, and that the World may kpow that th01t haft fint me, and haft loved them, a< tho11 haft loved me. Now he, as the Second Perfon !imply confidered, is not the Means ofUnion ofus with the Father, but it is the Divine Nature united to the Human Nature (as the Loadfrone fet in the Steel) which has the virtue of drawing us into Union with hirnfelf, and his Father; which he therefore prayeth for upon it, for us: Having faid firfr, The Glory which tholt haft given me, as that Glory which he gave unto us, upon the Glory given to him. And fo he is con– fidered here in this Speech, as Medium Vnionis; Thou in me, and I in tbem, that they may be made perfi& i11 Om. 2. It is not meant here of the Glory of his Mediation, his Mediatory Glory, as we call it; that alfo is proper to himfelf, and incommunicable tO us: And of itcannotbefaid, That the Glory God gave him, hehathgiven·us. We are not conf\ituted by himRedeemers of, or Mediators for, or Heads of Union to other Saints, as he is to us: then we !hould be givers of Glory one to another. And then, all Saints (and of all Saints he [peaks here) !hould all be Heads, and Medi– ators; and fo there !hould be no Body. Secondly, Affirmatively. It is eminently, and fingularly meant of the Glory we have been !peaking of: namely, of his being God-Man, in One Perfon, and the Glory that flows from thence, as it is, and was defigned to !hine forth in him in Heaven, as the immediate Confequent of that Union. And this was a Gif't indeed, a Gift to purpofe, greater than all Gifts ; as all Divines aclmowledg the Grace and Glory in his perfonal Union to .have been. , I know .that many Interpreters extend, it unto all whatever; that is, any where, or in other refpeil:s laid to be the Glory of~hrifr :. as that his \vorkin~ Miracles, which is called his Glory, ]oh.?.. t I. This beginniTJg of Mii'OCies did V ]eftU