Of the l(,noTPledy, of (jod the Father, ~ ]efm in Canaof Galilee, a11d manifoftedfortb bis Glory; and bis Difciples belicud ~ on him. His giving to him his Spim, which was to him without meafure: So in giving Grace and Hohnefs, whtch IS called Glory, 2 Cor. 3.lafl. B111. Wf all tvith npw Face, beholding as m a G/,if!thc Glory of the Lord, arc changed mto t!.c fame Image, from Glory to Glory, even tu by the Spirit of the Lo;d. And many fuch like; by which they go about to !hew the Scope ofChnft s Petition to be, That he would give them the hke Glory, 111 thefe Pawculars, whtch hiS Father had given him: And fo indeed, that all the Glory the Father had given him, in all the Particulars of 11, he cloth giVe fprmkhngs thereofto us. But tl11s extc,Jed Interpretation, (though in refpea: of the Things themfdves it be a Tnuh ;) yet as applied to this Place, produceth from this Sugge(\ion, that he fhould fpcak of that Glory, which in this Life is poffdfed by us; and given us in order unto Eternal Life: (Ofwhich more anon.) And doting upon this to be Chril1's main and foie Scope, that to make the Saints one among themfelves is the intendmem ofthe next Words, That they may be one in 11s. Whereas it is the high and ulti– mate Union which is perfected betwixt us, and Chri(\, and God, as I have fhewn: And whertas in !he Words after 'tis the ultimate Glory in Heaven, and the per– fection ofus by that Union that is intended. And therefore anfwerably, the Glory given Chril:t here, is his prime and ultimate Glory; which was his perfonal U nion with the Son of God: that is, the Gift that is intended. Gerardafter he had enumerated all fuch particular Glories forememioned, given to Chrift,where· of Come he admits ; yet at !aft, when he had confidered all, and attentively viewed the Scope ofthe Words, pitcheth upon this, That the Glory of the Son of God, who is God united to Man in one Perfon, and the Glory rhat Gows thee< from, is the Glory here intended : And that as the Fourte.in .Jf our U~ion, and fo ofour utmoft Glory. And fo Bmgenjis alfo cloth imui'ret ir ; and he tells the Genealogy of it thus: The Son ofGod, the Secnnd Pertun, being one by Effence with the Father, to him he united the Man Jefus by ft.fonaltl:.ic.l: And ofhim as fuch, I interpret that of the sth of ]ohn, verj. 26. ror M the Fa– H:.c beatif- tbcr bath Life in Himfolf; Jo bath he given to the So" to have Lift in Himfelf And fima Umo that Perfon, as now become God·Man, when united to us, we thereby become mter ~a-F. Partakers of his Divine Nature; and fo to have the Divine Nature 10 dwell in if~~~ ite~= us fir(\ : As he by his Union, bath the Divine Nature of the God-head to dwell qne i~ter in him. divinam& humanam naturatn in Chrilto, origo efl & fons fpiritualis illius unitatis quam Chriltus [hoc loco] credentibus precatur : (And we muft confider that.our Vnion 14 the Thing prayedfor) quia per Chriftum, propter Chrifhun, inChrifto fiu~1t filii Dei &di~in:e n~tur.e participes> 2 Pet. 1. 4And agdn mffte la.,.gcly upon the fame ~l~ce he{ctJ tt forth thw: Qma Chrillus fecun.dum humanam naturam eft unu~ no– bifcum, fccundum d1vmam naturam unum cum Patre, & qma aflumpt:e natur<e human:e p...:r muonem perfonalem datt1~1 eft cOe ~~~mn hyp?fta_'Licum cum fi~io Dei, qui C~l~ P_atre eft Ullll!ll. per cifencire uni– tatem ; inde nobtshrec fcltcu_a~ conu!Jgtt~ ut per ~h1~I1Curn De<:> umL~ ettam ~eo ur.. ~~ poffumus : atque eO refpicit ~hriftus quan~o d_J~tt glonam illam urmau_squam credentlb~s d~dtt f\., a f.'atre prius acce– piOC : ut ennn Pater dedtt FIlia per :ete1namgenerattoncm ut haberet In ft:tpfo, ']ohan. 5· 26. Ita quo– queper :eternam il1am gcnc:arionem dedit Filio efle n~u~n per efl~nti:e unitatem~cum Patre : Juxta hu– manam naturam dedit e!lc unum perfonale cum dtvma natura, quam Aoy@-' communem habuit tUm Parr~;:. And others doin effect run upon the C1r:ne interpreting,.That the Glory given him, was to be b!S Son ; and the Glory grvcn us by htm, IS to be Sons unto God with him: and we believing on his Name, he gives us Power by Charter, or Grant, to be theSom oJGod, Joh. I. 12. Alfoour Son!hip is derived by our Union, or Marnage With L1m, as btmg the namral Son of God ; and his Marri· age ofm, is his taking us to be Hrs: And fo tne Glory of Sonfhip which we have is by free-Gift; for 'twas free for him to marry, and 'twas to bedone by his Confent. And it was by the perfonal Union that God bef\owed on the Man Jefus the Glory ofbeing his Son ; That holy Thing (i<lith he) Jhah be called the Son of God, Luk. 1. 35· And his being the Son of God is the hightft Glory of Chri!1; and more than oll, cwn the Foundation of all. Thus, if we con· fider him a; Second Perfon limply, he is the Son of God by natural Ge· · neration : if we confider him as Man, he is the Son of God b)' perfonal Union, unto the Second Perfon. If we confider our Celves, it is by Adop· tion,