and h/8 Son fefus Chrifl. 149 is far otherwife in our Cafe ; and Chriil: notes it out in that Speech of his, the ~ Father hath given the So11 tohave Lift in himftlf: That's hlS Prerogative, he hath Chap. 6. it independently, he bath it in himfelf; whereas of us, (he faith) re live in ~ me, nnd that be iJ o11r Life, we have: tt not m our felv~s. _ . 2 • Of their Glory, he f.1ith, It ts but by a beholdmg htS, and m that manner it is conveyed to them; Ver[24. Father,[ will that they alfo wh011t thou haft givw · me, be with me where I ant, that they may behold lltJ Glory tvhich thmt h~lj give11me; for thouIovedji me before the Fou11dation of theWorld. A~d how infinitdy difhnt then mull it be accounted, from what IS the Glory of hts Perlon : Ours ts but by beholding hi1; it is but as the fhine of the Sun upon the Stars; which though it be called a Glory by the Apollles, The Stars dijfir zn Glor;•, I Cor. I 5· 41. Yet it is not that Glory as it is lubjeCtive in the Sun,but lulceptive in them ; that they are fuch Bodies, as that the Light of the Sun can be refleCted from them, and thereby leave, and caule a Glory to appear in them. 3· This agrees with the main !cope here; which is not to fhew it is identi– cally the lame Glory, but that it is derived from his, arid he is the bcfl:ower of it, and he is the Lord ofit: I have given it them, laith Bmgenjis, that is pro if– forum modo & modulo, according to their capacity and meaG.1re. 3· f!(:!e>y. Unto what Time, br Date, the giving of this Glory fhould be re– ferred ; either concerning that of Chrill's, When it wM that the Father gave this Glory to him his Son ? as allo the Time which Chrill means,when he faith,! have given it them: this in general we are lure of, that both are jjokpt of i1t the Time paji. .A11[w. r. For the Father's giving this Glory to his Son, it was from Everlall– ing given, as Chrill intends it, even that in Predt:jli11ation: For this firO: corre– fponds with verf 5· as I have opened: and, fecondly, with verf 24. T!Je Glory which thou gavejl me, for thou lovedjl me from the F01mdation of the World. o. If the Qg_eflion be of the Time of Chrill's giving us this Glory ; we mufr take this along, That giving it here, is not his giving it, only as he is the Second Perlon, limply confidered, that ACt of his, as fi.Jcb, is included in his Father's ; but we mull interpret it of him, confidered as God-Man alfo, as hath been opened; for it is a Gift tous, that flows from that Perlonal Union of his to us, and isfounded upon it, and fo fuppofed it firll: So the Qg__ery will proceed • – new ; Whether it is to be underllood of him, taken as Man, afrer his atlual Union with the Son of God, made at his Conception; or of him as God– Man, the Second Perfon confidered, as bearing that Perfonage, and undertaking it afore God, as bath been explained. · For the firll; If it be meant of him as God-Man, after he was united aCtual– ly, iN. Then, . I. T is certain his Confent, as luch, was to the Glory of every Name or Per– fen of us whom God means to bring to Glory : The Man ChriO: knew his Sheep by Name, for he calls them by Name; John ro. 2, 3· 'But he entreth in by the Door, is the Shepherd of the Sheep. To him the Porter openeth, rmd the Sheep hear his Voice, and !Je calleth his own Sheep by Name, a11d leadet!J them out. And 'tis the Man that !peaks it, verf I6. He means not only the Jews that were god– ly, >nd then converted; whereof many he law, as Man, with his bodily Eyes, but the Sheep that were among the Gentiles, fcattered in all Places, and in all Ages ; thefe in like manner he then calls by Name, and faith, that He mull ga– ther them, as being not yet called, nor many of them extant in being: And therefore that Book, or Copy of this Deed of Gift, which his Father prefented him, for him to put their Names into, it's called, The Lamb's Booft of Lift. And we fee, that even here, before he is crucified, he faith, I have given it them, even all whom his Father had given him, for be prays for the whole Flock. And yet !peaks it now as in Time pafi, I have given it him; 'twas fit that God fhould {hew him, both whom he was to die for,. and whole Sins he did bear : And lo, his Deed of Gift was concurrem with his Father's, as to the Perlons and Things given. 2, Under-