and hi& Son :/ejus Chrift. Hfueof Election, you know, is Glory; and fo giving them Glory,is here to be~ underftood ; as to the Time that I have given is referred to, after the Man Jefus ~ was united. But, fecondly, What if we put the ~erl', upon the Perfon of lii~ as God– Man, whilft he bore that Perfonage before h1s Father, m the fenfe t~at formerly we have fpoken of? What iliould !under us to afcend to Everlalbng,as the Time whereof this intended [ Yo11 have I choftn] here was gtven by h1m; as,he being Second Perfon, did bear and fuftam the Glory of that G1ft of bemg God·Man; all along from his predeftination ther~unto? And fo, as his Father's Gift was from Everlafting to him, Why not Chnfts Concurrence from thence alfo? What iliould fray his Hand from doing it under that ConfideratioFI ? What, iliould he flay till he was of Age and Capacity to give, and fo arrive at the Time when he, as Man, was actually united ? This we may be certain of, that what the Mart did, when actually united, concur to, That the Second Perfon did afore from Everlafting ; and did it then in the Man's Name : Yea,and undertook he lhou!d concur to it when he was united ; the Man's aClual Concurrence was but a Con– firmation of that Act which the Second Perfon in his Name afore had done : l iliewed you, in opening the 6th Verfe, upon thef~ words, Thoft whirh thou haft given me; That the G1ft of h1s Father tO h1m, as tt was firft from Everlalling, fo it was not only to him as Second Perfon~ tingly confidered, but as Marriage– able, and conftituted thetr Husband : whtch can be underftood no other way, than that the Second Perfon bore the Perfonage of God-Man before his Father, as in opening the sth Ver[e I have iliewed. Objeef. But you will fay, There is this that hindered, frill the Man exifted not atlu; How then can it be [aid, that he, as God-Man, did this ACl? .Anjw. Yet he was before God-Man really, and de jure, God-Man contratled; as I have iliewn in the Inftance of a new Elett to an Office, before he enters afrual!y upon it, he bath the Title and Honour accordingly : And if he had the Glory of it afore his Father, Then why might .he not as then do fuch ACls in the Name of his being God-Man, as a General cloth before he goeth into the Field. I would osk this ~1efiion, Before he came into the Flelli, he appeared to the Fathers, and was with the People of God in the Wildernels, and ap– peared as Captain of the Halts of lfrael; Were thefe Acts done then meerly as Second Perfon, and in the Name of the Second Perfon !imply as fucb ? You would fay, that thefe Atts were done, as bearing the Perfonage of God-Man, . in the Name of the Perfon that was to come : And therefore Chrifi faith, Abra– ham [aw my Day; for he appeared to him, as alfo to 'Jacob; and as fome . think, in the likenels too that he was to take ; thefe were ACls meet for that Seafon, and virtually th~ ACls of him as God-Man. And [o at the Creation when all Things were made by him, as the W 0 RD, as 'Joh~t interprets it: Chap. 1. 1. I would only add thts, If he took that Perfonage in his ACting-and Appearances to the Fathers,_ and the Churc~; Then why might he not, bearing that Perfonage afore God his Father, Att wJth hts Father as fuch, and concur in all ACls with his Father, that were proper in that Seafon, if I may call it fo, from Evetlafting, and therefore concur in chufing ofus as luch, in giving Glory to us, when his Father had predeftinated him to that of his. and he undertook it: I would fay, that all along from Everlafting, he afred as fuch in that capa– city, together with his Father. I would urge but this, inlja. 9· 6 One of his Names is, the Everlajling Father; that is, a Father from Ever}afting; and to whom it is ofbeing fo to us, that it is fpoken; and therefore he mufi be laid to have born that Relation of a Father to us from that Time ; 'tis not his concur– ring as Second Perfon meerly with his Father; for that's included in hi< Father's ACt, with whom he did concur as fuch, and then the Second Perfou inouid be called Father in his perfonal Propriety, as he is the Son, as well as the iirft Per– fan of the Tri?ity, to '?horn yetthe flile of Fathenmong the Perfons is only proper. No, m the Trtmty, take them as meer Perfons confidered, there is but