andhi8 Son !fefris Cbrifl. never apprehend that I was fi1ch a Glorious .JI1effiah as then I !hall appear to ~ be but undervalued and defpifed me. But when they ll1all fee that I alfo was Chap. 6. abie to bring about fuch an Union of my Church. and Body together with me LFV"t..J and thee, and not lo~ one of them thou hafl: giVen me ; and therewith to have filled them with fuch a Glory as they !hall appear in, by which it will be as confpicuous and Vifible, that they are One with us ; they will then know, with wonderment, that thou indeed hafl: Cent me ; of whom they had, the moft of them, by hear·fay, at leafl: heard; for tbe found thereof went forth to All the World; and that thofe whom they hated, and defpifed, to. gether wiih me, whom they perfecuted, and would have driven out of the World; that thofe are thus fo nearly.united to me, and thee, as it will appear, Thou haft loved them, aJ thou haft loved me: Lovedfl: me as their Head of Uni· on to them; and for that nearer Union which I have with thee; hall loved them as my Body, and.for my fake ·: All which when the World bath once feen, and known; then I !hall further fulfil what I pray for, in the 24th Verfe, even take them into thy Kingdom, where they !hall ever be with me the Lord ; and behold my Glory, and adore thy Love, both to me and them: Father, I will that they alfo whom thou haft given me, may be with me, where I am; that they may behold my Glory which th01t hail given me; for thOit lovcdjl me before the Foundation of the World. And the appearmg and apprehenfion of this, to and by the Wicked World, will be a new, and great, though a more feconda· ry Glory, which will arife unto his Father by that Union then perfected, which he prays for to be his own. CHAP~