and his Son !fefus Cbri[l. and fingly as he is Second P~rfon,. One God with the father blejfedfor ever; but r".J\Ji as God-Man, having the ~ffice of Lord and Ch~,£1: put upon him by the Father, ~ as one that fbould be an [One Lord,] undtr this one God confidered as he is God and in that relation and refpecr lower than God Hirnfelf: And yet confrirured in that Supream Soveraigmy ofLord01ip over them, his .Creatures, that both all his Creatures which he fhould with him decree to make, they all, and 1heir very Creation, and Government after their Creation, fhould depend on rhat One Lord. As alfo, that all ofus whom he fhould decree to be taken up into that fpccial Union and Communion, fhould owe all thereof to, and have the fame dependance on, this one Lord, as upon God the Father Himfelf: Than which, nothing couJd. ~found more to honour and greaten tbJs One God,as God, before the whole Creation. Thereby bemg fhewed and mamfefred the mlimte difrance of God !ram the whole Creation, .in having fo Supream a Lord over them, as this fame Lord of his defigning, fhould be; who yet fhould be under God himfdf, and fo between him and them. And there is this General Corolary, from this founded on the Text ; That if All Things, and our Union with God depended upon this Perfon, as he is Lord, and Chrijl; and that thefe Titles import his Office, and not fimply his being Se– col1d Perjim, as Son of God, (though that be the Subftr•ttt11J, and Foundation of All.) That then, he mu£1: have been fidr fet up and confhtuted God-Man, and in God's Decrees invefred with thefe Offices, and conflituted and made both Lord and Chrijl, as by whom all Things fhould be, and we by Him, as well as by the Father: Which is one great Notion I drive at, and I carry with me in mine Eye all along, to make forth; and do therefore, upon any jufl Occafion, every where draw it our, unto Notice and Obfervation, as a great Gofpel-Truth. My prefent Task is, To begin with this his Title; He is (as bath been (aid) fir£1: decreed unto, His Title of LORD. The following Explanation ofwhich will make way for the clearing of that great Truth lafl noticed; as alfo ofmany other Things concerning Chrifl, pre– vious to what are to follow. Now as to that, 1. lt is an ancient Title ofHis, and one of his fir£1: Titles, given him in the Old Teflament, and continued to him by them in the New, and of a larger ex– tent than that ofS.,viour. And though diflinCl: from that of One God, yet nccdlarily denoting and fuppofing (as the Foundation of it) that withal He;. God. In the Old Teflament, Pfal. 110. 1. The Lordfoid 1mto my Lord: and though our Tranllation obferves no difrinCl:ion, yet 'tis in the Original, Jehovah faid to my Lord 'Jehovah, unto .Adonai: that is, God the Father unto Chri£1:, or the Mrjfias, as Chri£1: himfelf interprets it, Matth. 22. 42, and 43· To whom that Name .Adon, or Adonai, is made fpecially peculiar, and had been traditionally let down to the ']errs: for Enoch bad prophefied of him, under that Title, afore the Flood; which, as a Tradition the Apoflle Jude quotes, ver( 14. 1he Lord (namdy the Chrifl) cometh with ten thoufond of his Saints. To name but one moreouroftheOld, Dan.9. 17. Hear 0 God Jehovah, for the Lord'sS4kp: Where Chrifl, in difrinCl:ion from God the Father, is called Adonai, the L ord. . Which Title of the Meffiab, becaufe thereby he was more eminently known by them, titan by any other, the Angels, when they bring the News of his Birth to the Jews, Lukp 2. 11. do proclaim him by, and under the Stile of it: ToJO" is borna Saviour, which is Chrijlthe Lord. They defcribe his Perfon under the Notion which he had been more vulgarly known by, under the Old Tefra– ment, than that ofSaviour [Chrijl the Lord.] And afterwards, the fame btgan to be, by the unammous Vote ofall the Apoflles given him, A[fs 2.14. publilb– ing it in the Ears ofall lfrael, and applying it with an Appropriation to our Je– fw, as that Tttle wh1ch •nfwered to the general Expectation of the Jews, con– cerning their long-look'd-for Mejfiah. Acts 2. 36. Therefore, let a/J the Houfe of Ifrael RtiOW ajfitredly, That God bath 111ade this fame JefM whom ye cr11rijied, both X 2 Lord