Of the l(norpfedg, of (jod the Father, ~ Lord and Chrij/. And is, as ifbe had f.1id, Lo, he is that very Per[on whom y;;;. ~· expefr. Who bath been generally and indeterminately known to you, unc!tr thole Names given him by your Fathers, all along in the Old Te!tament; whom God bath now made, and'[ct up, and declared toto be, by exalting him in Hea– ven, and putting all into his Hands. And know (faith he) afiuredly, that that Man Jefus is He. T is fl:range, th3t the '}ews fhould fo con[pire, to forbear every where throughout the World, toreade or pronounce the Name 'jehovah,the Name of God's Effence: And that infl:ead thereofthey fhould fubfl:irute, and frill u[e the Word Adonai, or Lord; which, os you have heard, is fometimes in the Old Adfcntiun- Tefl:ament appropriated to the Son. Yea, and that their own Ctbalijls lhould tur nobis f orh h u Ad --r L verbis falconfefs the Myf\ery o it to be, ,, ,d t at HaiJJe onai, or <itle of ord (and fo tcm Divithe Pe;.fon of him, the Son, that more particularly bears it) is to be the Key to niores He- '}ehovah, which latter is the Name ofhis Efience, which is hidden to us, (as they brxorum. fpeak) to be tu a Treaji.ry, in which God 'jehovah hath hid all the Rrches he means to Phtlofoplu, commlfnicate to TU. And further, th1s Adona1, or Lord, to be tle great R11lcr and quos Coba- Governour, mtder God 'jehovah, nourifhing a11d jiijlaining all Things. And that li!tas vowithout Adonar, or tbiJ Lord, there is no W~ty or MeanJ for tmy 1.\1an to come to tbil ~anJ, ~un~l- God '}ehovah. Thus }:'Jajini bath our oftheir own R.ecords obferved: Which is a J~d ~~rbum clear, if not a full Explication ofthe Office ofour Chrif\, as he is Adonai, or Lord. Adonai eiTe tanquam clavemqua patcfit aditus ad Denm Jehovam, hoc eft, ad Dcum veluti in fua efrenti:\ latentem. EHC thcfaurum in quo ea, qua:: a ]chova nobis impartiuntur, omnia funt recondita. EiT<.: infuper axo– nomum ilium magnum qui res omnes difpcnfat, nutrit, vegetat per Jchovam. Deniquc ncminem ad Jehovam penctrare pofiC, nifi per .t?-don~i: ~equc cnim ~llam ~ut via.m_ant ra~i~ncm ad illmn pre:reni– cndi aliame!Te prorfus. Hrec &_Ius finula fcnpt~ extant 1neo l1brocm ~Itulum 1lh fc-:-ere Portam lucu, & in libro quem vacant Nomen cxphcatum. Majir-u m 'Jofuam. See alfo Amfworth On Exod. 6. 3· The New Teftament fpeaketh the very fame in terminis; God not being known to any, but to whom Chrift reveals him: In whom are hid aU the Treajitres ofWif dom, he ruling and jitpporting all by the Word ofhif Power : As to whom God bath communicated the Execution ofall Judgment; Himfelf vi!ibly judging none. Neither is there any Name under Heaven but this, whereby Men can be foved, and approach to God ; there being omGod, and one Lord, as here, I Cor. 8.6. And this Title ofLord, in difl:infrion from Jehovah, or God,as thus underf\ood ·and ufed by the Jews, conduceth fomewhat towards an Anfwer to that Objection ofthe Socinitms; That Chrift being ufually thus fl:iled the Lord, but the rather God; that therefore·Chri!i is not God. For not only according to the '}ews Senfe Adonai, or Lord, is all one with '}ehovah, in this refpefr, that it is one of the Names of him that isGod; for they ordinarily, in naming God, put it infl:ead of God, or Jehovah; yea, and it is attributed to none other, but him that is God; as they acknowledg. But yet fo, as withal it is evident alfo, That in their Sen[e it likewife !ignifies, an Ojjire ofLord, and Mediator for us put upon him : And in that refpefr dif\inguifi1ed from Jehovah; yet fo, as fiill withal, Chrifl: Himfelfis alto the true Jehovah. And therefore the Old Tefl:ament in a very ufual way joins both together, the Lord God; and when it fpeaks in that man!ler,doth ufu– ally mean Chrift, who was then the great Difpenfer ofall Things under the Old Tefl:ament, as well as now under the New. Twas he that appeared to the Fa– thers, who is,and was to them both Lord and God alfo, as well as Lord and Chrijl to us. And thus theApof\le Thomas, 'John 20. when once convinced ofhis being the Me/]itlh, crys out, ver( 28. M v Lord, and my God I He fpake it of Chrifi. For whereas other Difeiples had called htm the Lord, (as iu that Chapter again and again, and fregnenrly elfewhere, as his ufual Title) and had C1id toThomas, ver.2 5· We have jien the Lord, that is, him whom we have and do own for the Mefliah. And then the Old Teftament having fl:ill put both Titles together ofLord and God, as you heard. Hereupon, Thomas his Faith being on the fudden fl:ruck,and enlightned with a frefi1 and new Convifrion, he crys out, My Lord, and myGod, thereby acknowledging Chrift to be both, and he doth it with Application to himfelf, [My Lord, tmd my God.] And whereas in Eph. 4· 5, 6. when it is laid, There is one Lord tmd one God the Father of all; And in this Text, I Cor. 8. 6. To 111 there is but one God the Father, and one Lord ]eft# Chrift. It is not to be under-