and his Son !fefus [hrift. underflood, nor doth it follow, That his Father's being faid to be One God, in Q;'-"'-""' dif'cintl:ion from Chnfl,fhould exclude Chrlfl from bemg that One God; no more ~ than Chrifl's being termed that One Lord, m the fame Place•, would tmport, that therefore God the Father is not Lord. Yea, of Chnfl:, as well as of the Father, Th<' tht Sv·i– it is f. 1 id, That he is the only Lord; and that with his being God alfo is inferred,;:: ';;;;;J',~~to fecond it and put this Matter out of all doubt. Thus J~tde 4· the lafl: Words Compl"''""' ofthe Verle, De11yingtheonl; Lorcl God, ;;-~ Tiv_ p../Jvov di~J~v :>~6v ~~ "..Vvov H~v ~:''l;G1~;~ ·,,~;;, xv"''', and Lord ofte, Jefo• Chrijl; affixmg but one Arttcle at the firfl: un- "'" 'P"d to all thefe three Titles that follow [Lord God,] the only Lord God, and o11r Lord:.?,;'~~~~~'":;'~ As meaning but one and the fame Perfon known by all thefe Tttles; not two Q_oim<. A la– Perfons,as of God the Father, and ofChrifl:, both: but one Perfon only; namely, r:p;,o IF'""'· our Chrifl,who is the Subjetl: ofall thefe Titles. Whom he there names our Lord ~hi;,;: £K;: Jefus Chrifl:, all three fpoken ofone and the fameChrifl:; which that ofPeter ad- ;. The God ded to it alfo clears, (and all know ]ude's Epin!e to be a Counterpart of that fe- ~:"~:·:",~: cond of'Peter; And he writing as ]lfde alfo, againfl: the very fame Hereticks in d"JI"d 'I'"' thofeTimes,) he there fays ofthem, Denying the Lord that bought them: And it is ~:if,::· fom• our Cbrifl: isrhe Perfon he fpeaks oftoo; asthe proper Charatl:er he lignifies him by ; The Lord that bo11ght thmt, and paid the Price ofbuying them as a ·Lord. And as he names no other Perfon burChrifl: only; fo both Peter andJudedo name the very Herefies, the Hereticks oftbofe Apoflles Times run into; naming the very Things rhemfelves wherein their Herefy confifl:ed : namely, in their denying him to be God, the only tme God, which together with that additional Charatl:er of The Lord that bo11ght them, was the very Point they denied. Add to this, It is well known, that thofe firfl: Hereticks ofthe Primitive Times (who pretended to Chrifl:ianity, ond againfl: fuch they only wrote,) did not deny One God the Father, or His being the only true God; but that Jefus Chrifl: wos the only tme God, this they denied ; and therefore i~ is, that ]11de fpeaks this ofChrift alone. • And lafl: of all, an Angel from Heaven, in the clofe ofthe whole New Tefla– menr, fpeaks the very fame, thereby confirming and fealing what all the Apoflles and_Scriprures had fpoken ofChrifl:; rhus in Revelation'. the very lafl: Chapter, veri. 6. AndtheLordGodof the HolyProphetJ (whomfptred them) JenthiJAn– gel to jhew 11nto hiJ Servant,, &c. Now who is it, to whom the fending of this Angel IS attnbuted, read ver( J 6. I Jejiu have font my Angel to tejlifj 11nto ) 'OU tbefe Thinlf' in the ChurcheJ; even the fame Perfon (Chrifl:.) The fame (He) it is, that IS the Lord God ofthe Holy Prophet,, ver( 6. And this is for certain our Je– fus. For verf. 16. I Jejiu have fent my Angel. And who in like manner con– cludes hi! Speech, verC2o. He which tejliji'CJ tbefe Thing,,foith, S11rely I come quic~ly. Amm. Even fo, come [Lord] Jefte, fays the Church. And this is our Lord and our God ; as ]lfde and 'Peter !aid in their Epillles. And by all this, the Socinian Objetl:ion is fufficienrly obviated, and gone beyond. cHAP,