Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

~ BooKlll. Of the K.!Jor:vledg of {jod the Father, ~--------------------------------------------- CHAP. VIII. That the Title of Lord, though it imports him that 1<i (jod, and connotates r:vith it, h~ being tjod; yet in this Corinthianrext, (and eijer:vhere) dotb pri– marily note, a Relation to an Office or a Dignity putonhimbytheFather, asconjt'deredto be God– Man; and not Jimply, his being Second Perfon, God with God only. The <Vfpojlle's Intent lme i8, to Jet him forth in the dependance, that aU Thing,s,&c. ha'Veof him as fucb, andnot upon himas Second 'Perfon, .(imply confidered, it i8 a Title of Office r:vhich he bears afore God, conftdered as God– Man. The Fi tnefs, Fulnefs, andSufficiency of this Perfon, Chrijl, God-Man, to difchtJrge this Office of one Lord. For r:vbat 'J\eafons it r:va.s neceffary, tbat he fhould be God-Man in one · Perfon, to qualify him for tbe Emplf!Jment. VVE do, or may know, that there is a two-fold Lordlb;p of the Se– cond Perfon; one, natural, abfolute, and underived, belong– ing to him, as he is confidered, fingly, Second Perfon, God with God, and Lord with the Lord; to whom therefore all the Roy– alties of the Divine Nature, do equally and alike in common belong, even as to the Father, and Holy Ghofr; which Lordfhip is in them all founded on this which is common to all three Perfons; namely, That they had a joint concur– rence in the making of all things, and alfo in governing of them. But then there is another Lordfhip, that is, a derived Oeconomical DifPenjilloiJ", which is fet up by Commiffion from God, for effetiing all his Works of Wonder for him, and under him ; and this is a Lordfhip proper and peculiar unto Chrilt, confidered as God-Man, to whom, as fuch, the Father hath committed all Judg– ment, as the Son of Man; John 5· 22, 27. For the Father judgeth no Man; bflt hath coiJimitted aU )udgmwt 1mto the Son. And hatb g1Vcn him A11thority to exe– mte judgment alfo, becaufe hen the Son of Man. And of this Lordfhip it is tbat 'Peter (peaks, Atl! 2. 36. Let all the Houfe of lfrael/znow a./fored6•, God hath made h;m both Lord and Chrift. So then, there is a made-Lordfhip of his, who yet, by virtue thereof, makes all things. And this is the very fame in other equivalent Terms, that are elfe-where fpoken of him by the other Apotties; as by Paul him(elf, Heb. I. 2. Whom he hath appointed Heir of all ThingJ. [Heir J there, is equivalent to [Lord J in that Ac!J 2. 36. and [Appointed J there, unto [Made J in Peter's Speech, Ac!J 2. 36. and [of all Things J there, un· to one Lord [of whom are all Things J here in the Text. Hence therefore, his being Lord, evidently imports an Office or Oeconomy committed to him, and undertaken by him; even as his being Chrijl al{o doth. And indeed, we find both thole Titles, of Lord and Chrift, joined often roge· ther, and attributed to him, as being, in this rcfpefr, of like Kind or Conlh– tution, that is, as being both n111dc Titles of Office. And to this fenfe, as we meet