Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

--------~a_n~d~h~u~S_o~n~~~e[i~u_s_C~h~r~~·----~--159 meet them joined, AIJJ 2. 36. fo alfo we find him to have been publickly pro- ~ claimed with and under thefe T1tles, by the Angels, as the Militia Cent from Chap. 8. Heaven 'at his Birth, Luk! 2. 1 r. to proclaim their own new Lord, as well as of~ Men . To yo11 if bom a Saviour, which if Chri.ft the Lord: Where they add a third [Saviour J; All which three Titles, are alfo here in the Text, Om· Lord 'jcfm Chrifl. All, and each of thefe three, do alike im~ort Matter ofOffice give~ to him, and undertaken by hm1. And m refpeCl: to thts Jnveflment Wtth an Officta! Lordfhip, it is, he is !hied Lord,in diflinction fromGod, elle-where as well as here; in thole words,Pjai.II0.8 1. The Lord f"d to my Lord, fit, &c. though our TrJnflation took no notice of a Diflinfrion in the Titles given fetly to each; yet in the Original it is, 'jehovahC1id.unto Ladonai,the Lord,that is,God the Father,Caid to the , 1 ,NS Lord, or Chrifl,as Chrtfl htrnfelfmterprets 1t, Matth.22.42,43. And that hiS bemg Lord there, importeth this his Office of made Lordfhip, and not that as Second Perfon, Peter evidently fhews, in the place fore-cited, A{fs 2. where he quotes thefe very words of the Pjitlmifl, verC 34· to prove, That God had made him Lord and Chrift; for, that is his Inference fromDavid's words, The LPrd [aid unto my Lord. And Chrifl himfelf, in Mat, 22. 43, 44, 45· He faith unto thent, How doth David in Spirit call him Lm·d, faying, The Lord faid unto my Lord, Stt thou on my right Hand, &c. If Davtd then eaU him Lord, how is he his Son? In like manner, Dan. 9· 17. Hear, 0 God ('jehovah) for the Lord's fake: where Chrift, in diflinilion from God the Father, is called .Adonai, and Lord. Yea, and this diftinguifhing Title is made appropriate to him, [ the Lord J by the Angels at his Birth, who if Christ the Lord. And before his Death,by the Evangelifts, in their mention of htm, Luk! r 2. 42 . .Ancl the Lord foid, Who then is that fiiitlifitl and wifo Steward, whom hi1 Lord fhall mal<f! Ruler.over bis Ho11jhold, to give them their portion of Meat m due flafon ? Chap. 24. 34· Saying, The L~rd if rifon indeed, and bath appeared to Stmon. l)nd 'John 4· r. Whm therefore the the Lord lwew how the Pharifees had heard, that 'jeji11 made and baptized more Dif cipleJ than John. And Cbap. 6. 2 3· Howbeit there c4me other Boats fi'om Tiberias, nigh unto the place where they did tat Bread, after that the Lord h4d given Thank..f. By :J!ary Magdalene, John 20. r8. Mary Magdalene came and told the Diji:iples that fbe had ften the Lord, and that he had f}ol<f!n theft Things unto her. By the Angels, Mat, 28. 6. He if not here, for be if riftn, a1 he foid: Come, fie the place where the Lord lay: And in the Aus ordinarily. In the Came fenfe is this my Gorinthian Text to be underftood. 2. This Title of L ord, thus diftinguifhed, cloth fitly ferve as an introductory Proof from parallel Scriptures; That the Lordjhip of Office is alfo intended irt this Title in the Text, and not as Second Perfon, limply conlidered. For thefe Reafons. 1(eafon r. Chrift is thereby here diftinguifhed from God; not only as he i~ the Father, but as he is one God. Now, if Chrift were [tiled the Lord, only as Second Perfon, then he is not fo to be diftinguifhed from the Father, as the rather is one God;' but as fuch he is included therein, with the Father; for be is one God with him, and not to he excluded from that Title; God forbid ! But it is evident, that this Title, one Lord, is to fhew a diftinction from the one God;and therefore it muft import,as fomething more in his Perfon. So his Office of Lordfbip; by which, as in relation to the dependance of all things upon him, he is termed Lord. And otherwife, if his meaning were to exprefs, that he is God, as he is Second Perfon, fingly confidered, he fhould fay but one and the C1me thing by two feveral words, viz.. That God the Father is God, and that Chri{\ the Second Perfon is one God alfo, whilft he tbus faith of him, That he is the One Lord. And indeed, then there were no difference at all ; for God the Father is One Lord, in that fenfe of being Lord. And it is common to the Perfons, and fo it beiongs to the Father as well as to the Son ; andthe Son is one God as well as the Father, Neither could the Socinian ObjeCl:ton be an– fwered,imlefs we interpret this One Lord to be fpoken ofChriCt (rejpe{f" Officii) in refpect of his Office, and not of what he is as Second Perfon limply. rot; there is no diftinctidn between one God and orie Lord, if his being God were limply