of their State by Creation. 43 2 • He had in like manner the Principles of God.s whole Mind and ~, Will fo <vn in his heart; even the Seeds of all that Moral Law which we Chap. ~find in the s,ripiure. , Adam had then fawn in him i_n the utmoft Spir;; ~ tuality th.ereof; the Nouons of 1t grew tip Naturally tn Ius heart. So as, upon- all Occalions , when he .was to pr•Gtif~ any part of it, .he. might come fully to know what h.e was to do; and tt needed not to be reve.iil.- ed or he to receive it by Faith, But the whole Law was to him eved A 'Law of M•tart written in his heart, Naturally known to him by common !Pillates inbred in him. Am! thus in like manner was th,Jt Promife knowri. to him, That by 'lJ 0 l NG ht jhoiJid live, together '<ith that Threatning, that by Tranfgreflion of the Law , or any part of it, , he tnouid 'lJye the death: Thefe were known to him by Principles written in his Jwart, though further confirmed to htm by two Sacraments, Tht, Trre of Life , and of the Knowltdge of good a11d tvit, e.ven as. IllS other Notiomof God were helpt and enlarged by the Works of God: Yet fo, as the Knowledge of this Covenant, and of the Promife and Thrcatning an– nexed to it was Natural, though it were ftrengthned and enlarged by thofe Two Sacraments. . . . And as an Evidence to us, that this was the Nnural Primitive way ofMans knowing God in the Eftate of lnnocency, God hath put into Corrupt N11ure a fhadow hereof , and an imperfeGt Counterfeit of it in all Mankind, to rem:rit1 as aWitncfs what an one his Image in Man at firft was, and how !tamped on him. He hath ( I f•y) left fame Inftances, Prints, and Footfteps oLeithcr kind of Knowledge (above-mentioned) ftill in us; both concerning the Na~ ture of God, and concerning his Will, (as we ·find them, tile one; in the firft to the Romans, and the other in the fecond.) . 1. There are !till in us fame rude Notions of a 9od; which the Apofile fhews ihe Heathens to ,have jtad, ( Rom. 1. ) which he calls Tl ;,,.,~, T; Eh;; Vei'fe 1 rj. Thai which might 6e /mown of God; rhat is, whqeqy theymight have .fern (as fame of them did ) the inviji61e thi11gs (or AttribUtes) of (iod, Verfe 20. ~ . • . And, tly, ihere are !lilt like Nqtions and engrafted Principles concerning fame parr. of the Will and Law of God , Written in our Hearts : So Rom. 2, iS. They have tht work of tht L aw writ(en ifl thm· hearts: And fo, art aLaw to themfelves, (as is in the foregoing Vei-[t: ) And have alfd fome glimmering of the Threatning, and, fo ( by , confequence ) of the Pronfle, if they walk according to it: For Ver fe ult, of Ch.1p: 1. They are faid to /wow the Judgment of God,. (thus by inftind:) tht.r thty who commit [ttch thi11gs are worthy of 'lJeath; and ( l>y the Rule of Con• trories) that they who obey the Law, are worthy of Life : And there– fore their thoughts do as well excu(e , in ho~e of Life, as acett{t, in ref. peel: of Condemnation; (as you have it Per(e 1 )•) Now thefc common Principles engrafted, fame D'ivines call .the Re– liquu of that former Image; thinking them to be the fame for fubflance; with thofe more perfeGt ones which were in Adam; as the Sparks of big– ger Fire ; or as the Ruins of an Houfe razed and difordered, which for the Matter are the fame that at firft. But I fl1all fuew elfewhete 1 that thefe are tather wholly renewed, and again put into us by Chrift, who light11tth ( with this light, more or lefs , )every Man that comes i111o the World; as it is in JohiJ j. 9· and fo that they do in reality differ from thofe in Adam, of which we have fpoken. For thofe Principles of the Knowledge of God, and of his Law ; written in Ad,m's heart, and likewife the improvement df them by Rea– fan, t!ir. were all holy in themfelves arid Spiritual, and made his heart holy, and SlnClified him. For the moft Spiritual part of the Law, was no otherwife known to him , than by being rhus written in his heart by Natural Principles , (as the reft alfo was, ) and not by Faith, as in us it is: And fo were as Natural then to him, as Moral Principles are now in Heathens. And thus td love God above all, to 6tlieve 011 him, t!ic, was to /Jd,lm but the Dictate of pure NJture , by a way of Common G :b Pria-