44 Of the Creatures, and the Condition ·~Principles , which met with anfwerable holy Difpofitions which accompa– Boo~t 11. nied thefe Dtctates m this Wtll and AffectiOns: All wluch together made ~up true Holi~efs mzd Rigbteoufizefs in a Natural way. And in like mJnner , thofe Notions which he had of God, and of his Attributes , by Nature, and that acquired Knowledge which was to rife out of them by obfervation of Gods Works , were all holy and fanctifying, Why, elfe arc the Gentiles blamed for that , knowing God in a Natural way, even from his Works, they glorifird not God M God, ( Rom. 1. ) and for that, they knowing the Law , walked not according to it; but becaufe the knowledge of both thefe which Adam once had , and they in him, and which he f!Jould have acquired , enabled him thus to love God abowe all, and to glorifie God M God 1 And on purpofe did God put this imperfect Natural Knowledge into corrupt Nature , to f11ew us what was the wav of knowing and glorifying God, One in Nature, Pure and Innocent. And this is the fir!t Demonfiration of it. A fecond Demonfiration, that the way of Adam's Knowledge was thus Natural, and by the light of common infufed Principles, and by Obfervation of Gods Works to be ernproved, may be taken fi·om the ufc and end of the Sabbath, which God himfelffanctilied, and upon it refied, to contemplate his Works of Creation; ond this, to be as an Example unto Adm11, how his mind upon this Day was to be taken up, even in the Contemplation of the Works of God, And that that was the Principle Duty of the Sabbath, under the Covenant of Works, appears, by Pjal, 9~· And therefore, thirdly , the befi of Adam's Condition (for of his Con– dition when lirfi Created, the Apo[\le, t Cor, 1 S· 45"• quotes that Speech inGmtjis [The fi~(l Mmz Adam wM made n livl11g Sottl]) is called A111mat, and Natural, in the 46th Verfe of the aforcfaid •)tb, tor he Corill· thlans; but that State unto which Chrifi brings us, is there called Spiri· tual , or fupernatural. Both the Condition of our Souls liere, and of our llodies and Souls hereafter, is Spiritual, and Supernatural. And fuch is, Chri[\ whole Image; whereas Adam's was but Natural. CHAP.