Of the Creawru, and the Condition "-..f\../'1 3· Anfwerably, the Reward, the promifed Life and Happinefs that BooK ll. he Jhould have had; for doi11g and obeying, \Vas but the continuance of ~ the fame happy Lite which he enjoyed in Paradife, together with Gods favour towards him. Which tonnnuance in Happinefs was Natural to him; even as our Divines fay that Mortality. was; namely in thts Senfe, That it was a Natural Due unto him, whilft he Jhould keep from Sin, for God to preferve him in that State wherein at firft he flood; and this Pre– fervation of him in that State, and in the favour of Ood; )Nas the Lz[t promifed, when Ood faid, 'Do this, and thou jha!t [Live;] and not the tran!lating him, in the end, unto that Spiritual Life in Heaven, which the Angels have, and which the Saints Jhall have. And for this my Reafons are. 1. Becaufe Chrift in 1 Cor. '5· 47, 48. is called the HravnJ!y lt!,l1J; ar1d the Lord from Heaven; and that, in oppofition to A dam'. whe" at the be!l, whom the Apoflle calls but an Earthly Mutt, And thiS difference m their Condition he there evidently mentions to fhew , that Chrifl was the fir(\ and only Authour ~f that Heavenly Life whic_h the Saints in Heaven do enjoy,and he himfelf commg from RMvm, he carnes us thtther. But on the contrary, Adam, as he was of Earth, fo he was btit an Earthly Md1i; ( fo Vrr{r 47·) and his Happinefs lhould have reacht no higher. The ploce foretited exprdly fets the Bounds between what the one AdtJm tlwuld, and the other doth con· vey unto his Poflerity. Yea, and the Apo!\le doth put our carrying to Hea· ven (as he there argues it) not fo much upon rhe merit of Chrifl's Death , as upon his being the Lord from Hravw;) becaufe Heaven was his Natural Due, and he defcended from his Right, when he came dowc upon Earth : And fo, becaufe he was thus from Heaven, therefore he is now gone thither himfdf, as unto his Natural Place, and advanceth u1 up thither alfo: Whereas Adam was but a Man from tht Earth; and therefore could never have come to Hea– ven, And that Place, John 3• q, doth further back this Argument; No Man hath,;jcendedup to Hwvm, /;ut he that camr down from Hraven, evm the Son of Mmz who i4 in Heavm. Chrift there fpeaks of his revealing the Myl\eries of Heaven ; which no Man ever could do , becaufe no Man had afcended up to Heaven , but himfelf, who came down from Heaven , and now is in Heaven ; and this, as 5on •f ~mr. Now he is faid to be in Reavm, through the communication of Properties and Priviledgesof the Son of God; and to come down from Heavm, bocau(e his DLIC was to have been Incarnate there, And he expre!ly fays, that (No Ma11] afcends up thither, excep.t he who came down from thence, (and oth<rs by venue of him.) And fo that Text evidently holds forth this as the Reafon why none went up thither, becaufe none came down from thence. Which Reafon makes again(\ Adam, as well as agoinft any Son of his now in Corrupt E!late: For he came not from Heaven ; that was not his Natural Place ; but he was of the Earth, and therefore but Earthly , 1 Cor. 1 5. 48. And if no Man but he, who come down from Heaven, was able to know the Mifleries of Heaven (for that is the Afcention there meant;) then much leli to enjoy the Glory of Heaven. And therefore, Our going to Heaven is put upon his Afcenfion, as the fruit of it, John 14. 2, ~· [I go to prepare a Place for you) though it were prepared from the Foundation of the World; God ha– ving made Heaven perfect the firft Day, and referved it for his EkCl: in Chrift. 2. That Paradife that Ad.1menjoyed, was but the Type of the Paradife above, and his Sabbath a Type of Heaven , as himfelf was of Chrifl. And therefore he was not to have entred into the Heavenly Paudife , except by this Second Adflm Chrifl:, whofe Paradife alone it was. So that, take. away the Second Adam that was to come, and there had been no s, cond Paradife for Adam, to come into, which that Paradife of his was rho Type of. Thus L11ke 23. 4~· Chrifl: foundeth the Thief's going to Paradife, upon his own going thither; This day ( fays he )jhalt tho11 be with me in ·Paradife [With me, J that is, in my right. Even as alfo we are ~id to fit together with him ill Remmrly Placrs, Ephrf, 2, [with him] name· ly,