of their State by Creation. 57 lhine into his mind now at hisConverfion: Evtn as 2 Cor. 4· 6. For God whoWt commanded the tight to {hi11e oT<t of d,zrknefs , bath /hirred i11 our hearts, to Chap. 7• gi'l.le the ti;;bt of tht lwowtedgt of the Glory of God 1 _in the f,zce of Je[ta ~ Cbrifl. T he Light of the Glory of God m the face of Chnl1 , IS a further glory than wh~t lhined in the Creation, and therefore requ~re_s a further Li~ht to fee it. As IS the ObJect, (uch IS rhe Light we fee 1t wuh. An ObJect that is Light it fel f, held for~h in it~ glory, can nor be feen, bur by a Light arifwerably glorious; for theL•ght 1t IS fee? by , IS but rh~ fplendor ot It, as rhe Beams are of Sun , wiHcl) is feen 10 Its Ielf only by Its own Beams and Light. And fo is God in ChriU: Which therefore, 1 Pet, :t. 9· is called a mar. vetoll4 Lrgbt, yea, hu marvetom Light: Marvelou s or wonderful, b ecaufe Superexcelling, Supernatural; for that IS wonderful that IS fuch, wh1ch Nature cannot comprehend, and is above the Courfe of Nature, :>eo!~•;-,, ~;;;, , an<;I it is alfo called hu Ltght, that IS, Chnfi. Not only Which he g•ves, as Ephef )· '4· Arife, afld Chrifl jha/J givt thu Light ; Nor hu only, that is, of him, a! the Object of ir ; But hu as the fame which refides in him, and was in hi! heart, by which he faw things here when below: Fbr 1 Cor. 2. 1111. Wt have tht mind of ChrJfl, having the fame Spirit with Chrifi, only he a· bove meafure. 'Tis called hti L1ght, as hti i11heritmtce, Ephef. I. • 7· And A d.•m's Light, though Lighted at this Sun, yet but as the efficient C aufe of ir, as ]oh11 r, 4· It was bur the Light of Men, as they are human, and proceeded, modo humano, and fo lower, His was not the (ame with Chrifi's ; but this Light of the Gofpel, the Light of the Spirit that is in Chri(\ , whofe Spirit , fo working, he had not: And fo it was lower, as that Light of the Moon is ro the Sun, or as the Light of Glory will be to this of Grace: Not as an Oprick Olafs only, which firengthens not the Sight only; bur brings down the Objectlower; but fuch as was added to Stephm'seyes, bri11gjt~IJ of the Ho. tr Ghofl, when he faw Chrifi in Heaven; there was added a Further Light and Ability, than rhe inbred Light of fight, or of the Sun , ro fee Chri(\ by in Heaven, A£fs7. )5, ~6. Asalfo to Paul in his Converfion; Such is rhis Light of Faith to the mind, to fee heave'nly Objects by, fuperadded to natural Light,and that ofReafon:So as if you could fuppofe Ad<tm now al ivc,as in Inncicency ; for him to fee thefe things, there mull be an Elevation of his Light by the accefs of another Light Supernatural of the Spirit, as there was ro Suphm's Eye. And therefore, our believing is attributed to the Spirit, as was faid, and iscall'd, Tht Spirit of Wijdom mzd Rrvtlt~tioll, and The Spirit of Faith, 2 Cor. 4· I~· And I .7ohn 2 . 2 0, 27. the Unction that teacheth all things; not only clearing the figh t,but teaching it. Neither need it be Urange, that.there lhould be feveral ranks of Light from Gcd to fee himfelf by: That as in Heaven we fee Light in God's Light, P(al. j6. 9• and fo a limber Light than any here: So here we fee Chri(\ and God by the Spirits Light and Reprefeotat1on, thou·gh of a lower kind than that whereby we fha ll fee him in Heaven, and not by Natural Light, as it would prefent God to us, or take God up from rhe Creatures. .~nd rhe more immediate the Light is from God, the more Supernatural, the higher is it, and we the more paiJIVe in it. The light of Glory will be God's light immediately; he both is the Object and Efficient, AIJ i11 AC; and fo we lhall be (wallowed up with ir, as when the Sun is feeri by its own light. This of the Spirit in us is efficiently his, and therein we are more paffive than active, though the Subject of it, and that of Adam's inbred ligh~ had lefs of God's light in it, he not being enlighrned by his Spirit of Rewelar10n, but left to that inbred light to judge and give ail atfent to rhe things objected afore him. Add to rhefe that place, Ephtf. r. '7· where he prays , That the God of our Lord Jt(m Chrz(l, the F.zthtr of Glory, maygive rmto you the Spirit of Wifdom and Revtl,uton, in or for the knowledge of him, Every Word and CircumUance mal<es to demonUrate what I emend. r. His