Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the Creatum, and the Condition ~ And then, lafi of all , Add unto all , that we have over and above BooK II. what he had , a New Edition of God , and all his Atrributcs , and all ~his MiAd bound up in one Volume in Chrifi , and the Revelation of the Gofpel, the My!tery of his Will : The lea!! tittle whereof Adam lhould never have known. Faith brings us into an other World, and the things of it, infinitely tranfcending Adam's ; and revealing more of God in the leaf! Creature of it , than is in all his Volumn , aRd is as much vafler than his , as ~eaven is above Earth ; as muc~ exceeds it, as the fecond A dam, Chn!t , doth him , who was the Epitome of his World, as Chrifi is of ours. We have the Addition of new Objet'ts, ond thofe glorious , heavenly, wholly fupernaturall. In Chriil a new Indits is difcovered , a new Trcafure broken up, which Adam fhould ne• ver have heard of. CHAP.