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of their Staie by Creation. CHAP. VIII. ~ Chap. 8. ~ flow Adam, and hif ftate, according to · the Law of hii jirf1 Creation, wai intended by God ar. a Type of one, who wai to be a (econd Adam, Jejur thrift , and the Founder of a Supcrnatural Condition. Some thing I premifd of the Nature, and variour divifton of a Type. Wherein Adamwar a Type of GhrW: A~ be wai in hir ffate of lnnocency a pub!icft Perfon and the Head of ManbJnd, and fo derived to hii Pofteri– ~ the Imputation of hir Difobedience ; fo be was a Type of Chrift, as preordained before the World war, and without conflderation of the Fall, to be the Root, and Head of tbe Elcf1, and to convey to them the Su– pernatural benefttr of Grace. Rom. V. 14. i¥ho is the Type of him that was ot co11ie. WHenifirll conftderedthis, andother Scripturesin the NewTefia– ' ment, which make the Firll Adam, and the whole Story ofhim, both before, and after, in his ftnning or falling, to be the T ype and lively Shadow ol Chrill the Second Adam; likewife obferving that the Apo– file P aut llands admiring at the Greatnefs of this Myllery , or Mifiical Type , that Chrill thefecond Adam, lhould fo wonderfully be Shadowed forth there– in: As; Ephef. 5· p. he cries out, Thu uagreat e.Jrtyfhry: Which he fpeaks, applying and fitting fame paffages about A dam and Eve unto Chrift and his Church; it made me more to confider an Irlterpretation of a Pa!Tage in Heb, 10. 7· out of Pjizt 40. 7· which I before had not only not regarded, but wholly rejeaed, as being too like a Pollil Glols. The Paffage is, That Whm Chrifl came imo the World, to take our Nature on him, he allcdgeth the reafon of it to be. the fulfilling·of a Scripture written in the begimuug of Gods book, [ 0. "'"''J) B•~•i• J fo out of the Original the words may be (and arc by many Interpreters )tranllated, though our Tranfiation reads them only thus , [ !11 the Volume of thy Book it u written of me J It is true indeed, that in that 4th Pfa!m, where they are quoted, the Words in the Hebrew may fignifie no more than that in Gods Book( the manner of writing which was anciently in Rols of Parchment, folded up in a Volume) Chrill was every where written and .fpoken of. Yet the word [ ,.,_.1,] (which out of the Srpt~tagi~tts Tran!latiort the Apofile took) ftgnifying (as all know) the begimzi11g of a B ook , and we finding fuch an Emphafis fctby the Apollle in the)th Chapter o: the Ephtji,ms, upon the Hiftory of Adam in the beginning of Genejis, as containing the M)·– fl"Y, yea thegreat Myfi"Y about Chrift; it did fomewhat induce, though not fo fully perfwade me to think, that the Holy Gholl in thofe words might have fome glance at t!.e Story of Adam in the firll Of the firll Book ofMojes : K And