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of their State by Creation. 71 CH A P. IX. r-...1\.,./\ Chap. 'l· v-v--,1 The Explication of the wordr of the Text: In what Par– ticulars they ma~ a Comparifon o[Chriff the Type, 'and Adam the Anti-type. ln their .Perfons, MAdam had in him aPrincipal ofNatural Life, fa Chrift hMofSpi– ritual. .As public~Perfons,and Heads of Man~nd,M Adamconvrys his Natural Life, fa Chri~ his Spiritual. 'fis proved out of the fame Text, That Adam before his Fa!J, wM thiH intended M a Prophetic~ Type of . Chrift to come, M the Head of the EleEI, who M a public~ Perfon, jhould advance them to the li~ gloriom Condition M himfelfhad in Heaven. The G/()ry ofthis Accomplifhment WM appointedfor him, without confide– ration ofthe Fa!J. That lnterpofing, he came and fof fered, and dyed, to remove the Obftacles that the Fa/J had laid in the way of the Execution of the Wor~Jirft defigned. I COR.XV.44·toso. -There io a Natural Body, and there io aSpiritual Body. And fo it io written: The ftrfl Man Adamwas made a living Soul; the laft Adam was made a quick!zing Spirit. Howbeit , that was not ftrfl which io Spiritual; but that which io Natural, and afterward tbat which io Spiritual. The ftrfl Man io of the Earth, earthy; the fecond Man io the Lord from Heaven. As io the earthy, fucb are thgy that are earthy; and as io the.heavenly, .fuch are they that are heavenly. Andas l!'e have bom the Image ofthe earthy, we fball alfo bear the Image of theheavenly. T HOSE words out ofRoth.).I took but for a general Ground-work,be– caufe they fo exprefiy call Adam a Type of Chrif/ to come. And though that Scripture delivers this general Maxim, which in many Particulars doth hold, yer it in!ianceth in nothing.but the imputation of his Difobedience, which is indeed in order the la!\ Particular, wherein A dam did fu!iain a pub· lick Perfon, and wherein he was a Type ofChri!i, conveying the benefit of his mo!i perfed Obedience: after which, he ceafed to be a publick Perfon in all O· tber Ads ofh1s,& fo that Particular is to be inli!ied on Iaft in this D ifcourfe.But l)ther Scriptures do infiance in many other Particulars before his Fall (ot which time (as I !hewed) he was a pub!ick Perfon, as well os in his Fall) and do make him to have been the T ype of Chri!i tt1ercin alfo, as prc·ordained by God to come; which will more fully confirm that Affmion already la1d down. I