Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

7'2 Of the Creatures, and the Conduion .-------- "'-AJ") I will take the Scriptures as they lye in order: And firll, this in 1 Cor, 1 5'· BooK H. 44, 45, ~c. becaufc mdeed it makes Adama Type of Chrift from the firll of ~hisCreation, which is the highefl that we can go, And as in that fifth of the Roma/Js, the Sc0pe is to fhew , that Adamwas a T}pe of Cluift, as he was a publick Perfon, in refpeCl: of his AC!io11s, to convey the Merit, or.Demerit of them; as in like manner Chrifl by his AC!i'ous conveys Righteoufnefs an'd Life: So here, the Apoflles Scope is to fhew, that Adamwas alfo his Type ;., refpeCl: of that condition and fiate of Life, and qualifications of his own i'er– fon, given h1m as a publick Perfon ; and of whar, at his firfi Creation before his Fall (even in his Formation) he received, to convey the like to us; which is rhe thing I out of this place fhall chiefly urge. The Refemblance between thefe two, in that fifth of the Roma>Js, is (in re– fpeCl: of the things ·conveyed) a Similitudeof Contraries, or Oppofires : ~Sin, ~ ~l:tighteoufnefs, By the One came By the other . Death. · L1fe. with this Dillimilitude for the me'afure of what is conveyed ; That Chrifl ex– ceeds in his; he conveys abundance of R.ighteoufnefs, arid a better Life; where· of Sin and Death were the Privation. But the Refemplance between thefe two, in this of the Corinthimu, is car– ried on by a comparing the Condition of the One with the other, (which is the thing conveyed) in a way of Eminency an9 Difparity; which yet anfwer each to other, as Type and Anti-type. The One was made a liviltg Soul, and the Other a quick1ti11g .Spi~lt: between which for Excellency, thereis as much difparity, as between Heave"n and Earth; and yet an anfweriog ofeach other in .that Difparity, as Type and Anti-type ufe to do: Living~ {QJ.Jickeng~ anfwering to Verfo 4)· Soul Spirit, '· Natural~ . ~SpirituaJ, Verfo 46. anfwenng to Earthly Heavenly, Verfe 48' yet fo, as for the Ground of conveying both, they agree alike, as is tile fer· mer, That they were ordained two Roots, correfpondent each to other . Now in handling this Scripture, I fhall obferve this Method: I • I will {hew the Coherence, Scope, and Conoexion of thefe words, and open thofe Phrafcs in thetn which moft conduce to the underfianding of them. Secondly , When they are explained, I will raife Arguments from them, 10 confirm that Affertion already laid down, namely, That Adamwas before his Fall, a Prophetick Type of Chri!l to come. And thirdly , I will open thofe Particulars (which this Scripture holds forth) wherein he was ord1ined Chri!l's Type as then. The Apo!lles Scope in that Chapter, is, ( as all know) to prove the Re– furreCl:ion, which he had by many Arguments done, untoVerj: 3). the main of which was drawn from the RefurreCl:ion of Chrifi, in whom ti!J his Elect mull live, as in A dam all dyed, Verj: 21, 22. llut then, if the QJ.Jeftion be made, With what Body, or in what State and Condition of Life they (hall rift, and afterwards live i"? (which QJ.Je!lion he puts Verfe l)·) He anfwers,Verje 38. (as in the 36th and 37th he had done to a former 0!_ery) That for Matter and Subfiance, it is the fame Bacly that they had before, [ their own Body, Verje 38.] but for QJ.Jalifications aeda· t!ornments, and fo for the Cond:t on of their Perfons , and their State ol Life then, thefe fhall differ from wharthey are now, as much as a Clod of Earth, a Body Terreflrial, differs from a Star in Heaven, a Body Celtflial. lt IS the