Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

74 Of the Creatum, and the Conditibn ~~----------~--------- -------- ~ ing confined, and clogged with a Body taken out of Earth, depending in its BooK II. Operations upon the Organs in ir, 2nd lived in it an earthly Lile, dependingon ~Meat, Drink, Sleep, f§c. in irs own proper worl<s of Reafoniog deptnding on Fancy, and joyned with a po!llbiliry of dying, though not then reduceablc to Act, till after the Fall, the Curfe faid [ Moruru ], And that t.ving Sottt is thus here to be taken, appears by that which he in the m her Verfes exprelfeth it by, calling it C--¥•:11•hJ an Animal Body, fuch as Beans have, and [~'·'•] er~rthly, veri 47, 48. that is, a frate and condition of his Soul in a Body fuita– ble to this Earth, and a!llmulated to the things of the Earth , to take in help and comfort from them, and in working to depend on them. Now for the op– pofite Pluafe of [qttick1ung Spirit]. 1. By Spint, he means the Divine Nature or Godhead in Chrifr, which being ordained to alfume an Human Nature,and therein to become a fecond 4dam, he was made a quickning Spirit, namely, to that Human Nature, by railing up that Human Nature to a God-like Glory and Soveraignty , and ex– alting it to theform of God, to have Life in himfelf independently , as God bath; yea, even a fountain of Life within himfelt; and !o, as to have the ve– ry Body of that Human Nature fpiritualifed, and advanced to a Glory higher than the Heavens, or Angels, who are Spirits. Now that the Dtvine Nature of the fecond Perfon, or Son of God, as he is God, is called Spirit, we have many Scriptures befides ·, which give in rheir Tefrimony: Thus Htbr. 9• •4• it is faid, He offered 11p himfe!J, (that is, his Human Nature, as the Sacrifice) by the eter11at Spirit, (that is, his Godhead, asthePriefr). So 1 Pe1rr~,18. itisfaid, HeWA4pt1ttodeath in tht Flrjh, (that is, in the Human Nature) 6m qu,cfwed by the Spirit; or his Divine Na· ture, being thereby raifed up, and exalted to that high and glorious fpiri tual Life, which that Flelh of his, now in Heaven, enjoys. Thus alfo .7oh1J 6. 63. It i.the Spirit that quickneth: that is, the Godhead of Chrifr; it is that which hath that tranfcendent Power of giving Life and Glory; the Fief/; (or Human Nature of it felf) profiteth twth:ng, were it not quickned and raifed by the Spirit, to which it is united. And fo anfwerably, by [ quickni11g] is meant, the communicating all th2t glorious Life and Power (in the utmofr extent of it) which from the union of that Human Nature with the Spirit, or Divine Nature, mufr needs flow to it; even the dwelling of the jutnefs of I he Godhead thtrti11 bodily, and communicating God-like Properties and Ex– cellencies, and Glory, and a Life fuitable to fuch an Union; and fo as to have a Fountain of Life within himfelf, and of himfelf, and Power over all Flelh; 2nd to live a Life above what earthly Souls do; yea, above what is enjoyed by Angels, thelife of a Lord from HMvm, (asverje 47.) and fo an htavwly life, unto which his Body was not only to be raifed, but he to be the Lord of that life, having lifo and quickning in himfelf, not depending upon any thing elfe, as the life or Men on Earth does, and as the life of the firlt 4damwasde. pendent on Creatures for nourilhment, C!ic, 2nd the acting and operation of his Soul, and motion of his Body, depending on Bodily Spirits, maintained and fupplyed by other Creatures, But Chrifr's Godhead fupplies Life, Motion, Qyickning, Vigour, Power, and all unto his Human Nature immediately from it [elf. And fo the Comparifon runs thus: If Adam's Sottt caufcd his Bod)•, madeof Earth, and remaining fuch, to live, and put fuch a Glory upon it (a– bove what is in Beafrs) that the Image of God f11ined in it; then what a Life, what a Glory, mufr the whole Human Nature, both Body and Soul, ofChri!l, be raifed up unto, whenas the Godhead, or Spirit, lhall be (in a manner) un· to both the Body and Soul, That which Adam's Soul was to his Body, the Qtgckner, and immediate Principle of Life, Motion , and Glory unto both? and dwelling therein, break forth in its fulnfs, and fo caufe fuch an Image of the Godhead to lhine forth therein , as in a tranfcendent Proportion fhall excel that in 4 dam, as much as rhe Godhead excels Adam's Soul, which was the Supream immediate Principle of Life in him. Thus Chrifr and Jfd,Jm are compared rogerher in their own Perfons, !ingly and alone confidered: And in this Senfe given, the One was bLlt a living So11/, the Other " a qruckning Spint. Bm