Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of their State by Creation. Bur, 2 1y, There isafurthcrMeanmgorLookwhichthefe Phi:ifes ?ocaft, ~ and that i' as,they are confideted as two Roots o~ Prmciples of the hke Life Chap. 9· they the,;,felves have , which they toinmuiueate to thofe that arc of~ them: . Thus 1. Adamiscalled a livittgSout, not limply in refpect to that Life whichhis Soul gave his own Body, and which his own particular Perfon en– joyed from tl:e Unio~ of both: But further, as he was ~ (;~riveyer of the likeLife to hrs Pofienty, And fo, the Phrafe herej of his being a llvzng Soul, is fuch another ae we ufe in Phil<ifophy, whenas we fpeak of the General Prin– ciple of Nature, calling it Natt<ra NatNrans : So Adam, being to be a Root' or Life to Mankind, he is called (as it were, Anima animans) a ti'vhzg So"lf tofhew, thatAd'am.hadPower; threugh God's Ordinance, to tonvey that. ·Life and Souly Eftate which himfelf had received: (Living being taken active– ly, or caufally, unto ~the_rs) as thewing what he wast? be th~ Root ~fto_o• thers, as well as fubJeCI:rvely; as notmg out that Lrfe whrch was m hrm• felf. t And anfwerably in the fecond Place~. the Wd!d [ quic~1~ing] whid: is ami~ buted to Chrlft, may be underftood, not only rn refpect of that glonous Lrfe which the God-head quickneth, dr raifctl] the liurrian Nature u!ito( as yet in the Places quoted, 1 P~ttr. 3• t8. and ]oh11 6. 6~. it is Principally taken, and fo al fo here) but fur!her, it is fpoken of him, as he is to be the Means, or Principle of L!fe unto u~, toquickm, raife. ~r advance our Earthly Bod_ies, which we recerved from Adam, unto a Spmtutl and Heavenly Condruon : And further to import what he will make our SoulS to be in a conformity unto himfelf: To be evenquickning Spirits to our Bodies, foas that our Souls moo tioo and Acting !hall not depend on our Bodies, nor they on other Creatures, as Adamdid, but the Soul it felf through his quickning of it thall quicken, and move, and act the Body, of itfelf immediately, without the help of Bodily Sp!rits; and fo( in a Refemblance) be unto it ,_ as the Spirit or Go_d-head i_n Cbrifl is unto hts Human Nature,evena /jUJcltnmgSpJrzt:And fo CquJck11mg] 11 here caufally taken for what Chrill: is to others; and this the rather , becaule he Ipeaks in this Chapter of railing our Boditt, when Dead, urito a Spiritu• "' Condition·; which the word [ quickning] likcwife imports, namely a giv– ing Life to dead Men: And {o fhews Chrift's timber Power than Adalil's; who could only convey Life to his Pofterity, who were not before, but could not quicken or raife dead Men , as Chrifi can. · But although this be one extent of the fignification of the word [ quickni11g] yet it is not to be confined to this only, as noting out only and meerly a railing up of dead Men : For Chrift is alfo a qtJickning Spirit to thofe who lhall be Ch,1ngedat the Latter day, who thall not Dye. So that it ultimately importS rather an advancing Mens Bodies and So~ls to a more tranfcendent Spiritual Life, than fuch as depends on Creatures m an Earthly 'Way, as Adam's Life ( he being but a tivit1g Soul) did, and makiog lis to have fuch a Life as the Angels have , [;,•A1-Ji•"J our Souls in our Bodies living the like Life indepen– dent on Bodily Spirits, or Creatures, as they do, being made_wholly a Pnnci– ple of Life and Motion of themfelves to them{elvcs, and the Body alfo; when our Bodies fhall not need to eat and drink, to maintain Li(e and Motion, blit fhall be quickned by the Soul, and Chrift our Life, immediately; our Bodies then fhall not be Earthly, (as the Phrafe is, Vtr{e 47·) fuited to Earthly Contentments and Comforts: The Bt!Jy (or the fuitablenefs in rcfpect of re– ceiving comfort, and need of meat) being dt(/rDytd, as well as Meat it felf: And the Body then , being fuited with new Habits, and fitnelies to teceive that comfort fromChrift, which once it did from thefe outward and Earthly Things : The Bod~hting ordained for the Lord• and tht Lord for thr Body, even as he had faid, the BrOy Wt/4 for M£at m1d Meat for tht l3t0y, in this World. This you have, • Cor. 6, q, 14, 15.diligemly compared, The Bo– dy then lha\1 be turned Spiritual, as here, vtr(t 46. and Heavenly, as vtr{. 47, 48. and fo, fitted to Chrift, and that Heavenly World, as afore to this Earthly World; Himfe!f then becoming aQ\ticknertous. L ?. And