66 Of the Creaturer, and the Condition ----~-- ~ And the word here ufed both of Chrifl and Adam, [was madt J the one a Boo& If. livi11g Sot~!, the other a quickni11g Spirit, will very well ferve both thefe ~ fenfes given: So Firll: , when it is faid of Adam, he was [made] ,, living Soul, 1t properly and fidy imports, what he was Perfonally in himrelf and how that in his Fi'rll: Creation he was made a lzving Soul, And fo, whe~ it is ~aid ·of Chrill:, he was [made] a qttickning Spirit, the meaning is the fame w•ththatinJobn r. I8. where it is faid, The word w.u [made]Ftrjb: So here, he who was God before (and fo not made) is yet faid to bemade quick. mug Spirzt: For, for the God-head to become a!2!!}ckner of an Human Na– turr, was a New Work done in the Earth, and a Work of Power; he was made that which he was not before. Or fecondly, It will fit the other Senfe alfo, namely to figni~e what both were appointrd to be, namely to others. For the w~rd [ madr] (O be] is of. ten takiJ for [ appowttd] to be Jas Hrb. 3• 2 . Mojes W JS Faztb[ttl to bim wbo af!foitJted him; in the Greek it is, [ who made him) as referving to that Publique Office into which God had put him: So I Sam. I 2,6. God madt Aaro" and Mo{es: ( fo it is in the Hebrew) that is , advanced them to that Publi– que Office. Many fuch Jnll:ances might be given. So that the Word! quoted out of that Place in Gmefts, do imply, that God appoi1Jttd that firll: Man A· dum to be a Publick Perfon , a common Root to convey to his Poll:erity, that Condition otSouls and Perfons which he had received, And that this is meant in ttiofe words of Gtnejis, the manner of Speech does further argue: For it is not fimply faid , that he became a living Soul, but thus in the Original, both Hebrew there , and Greek here , it is to be rendred , Hr btcamt, or was madr] for]" living Soul, Cl"~"".;, -lu~· {z,., J that is, caufually fo to o– thers: As 2 Chron. I 8. 2 r. I wiIJ be [for] a lyirtg Spirit; that is, unto all Aba6's Prophets, making them to lye, and fo deceive him. It implies not only what that Spirit was m himfelf, but what he became to them. So here, he brcamt [into] or [for] a living Soul; that is , unto all other Men, in propagating that Life to them which he had received. And though it be true, that he was in himfelf a tivi1'g So11l ( as alfo in that other Place that the Devil was a lying Spirit in himfelf) is true, (for he is fain himfelf, as well as to (/thers; and therefore whereas in theChronicles it is faid, I wi/J6e for a lying Spirtt, in the Book of the Kings iris only faid, I wi/J 6t a tying Sptrit) yet that alfo was fpokeninrefped:ofwhathewas to be unroothers, And hence, becaufe the Apoll:le knew,that the Holy Gholl:'s purpofe in that Speech inGr11eps, was to lignifie that he was fo to Us , and confrituted a Publique Perfon herein: Therefore, by way of Comment, he is bold to add to the Text, that which more fully explains the Words quoted, faying, And Jo it/$ writtm, Tht FirJI Man Adam, (!!c. Thofe words [ Tbe Firfl Mm; ] are not in Geurfts: But he knowing it was the' Holy Gholl: Scope, adds them. And that that Phrafe here .imports him to have beel'l a Publique Pi:rfon , I ihall Jhew anon. Now the fame meaning of the word [was made] will fuit with what was fa id of Chrift alfo , He WM made; that is, appointed to be a quick– ning Spirit, (in the Senfe afore given ) to his Eleli, which is fpoken, as if then, when Adr~m was appointed as a Poblique Perfon, to be a llvi11g Soul to his Poll:erity, Chrill: was lookt at as appointed alfo, Adam being therein but his Type; and fo, as more imperfed:, ordained to reprefent what C hrill: in a more rranfcendenr and perfed: manner , was made, or ordained of God to be. The Phrafe h.ere being thus opened, we may the better difcern wherein the Foundation and ground of the Apoll:les Argumentation lies. The thing which he was to prove, was (as bath been faid) that there is an Heavenly, Spiritual Condition for Mens Bodies, far tranfcending their prefcnr condition in Earth, Thert Ha Nfltttral Borfy, andtbere is a Spirit11al Body, For the Proof of which , he alleadgeth thofe words in Gnufts; So it u writtm, ( faies he) the Fir{/ M,w Adam was madt a living So11l: Which words, if you take them Literally·only, and as meant of Adam alone, do prove no more but the firft Part of that Affertion; namely, that there was to be an A11imatBorfy, [uch as Adam had , which was to be communicated to all Mankind from him, he being