oftheir State by Creation. being to propagate all_ in his fr_nage : And that part thefe Cavillers"ngainfl the ~ R efurredion , made no quelhon of; for to prove tlus, common Experience Chap. 9· had been enough: But thence to argue rhat other Part that follows, T hat the '-./"v---.J lafl M rm /houtdbt a quic~ni11g Spirit, and fo r_atfe up the Bodies of his Mem· bers to a Spintual Condmon , can no other wa1es be done but by makmg Gods intent in that Place of Gmt/ir to have been , _to make_ that lirfl Ad,zm a Type therein of Chrifl a Second A dam; and thiS IS truly mtended ( m a.T ype) as the lirfi Adam himfelf was, of whom only the words Literally do run : Yea, and further, .lld.1m therein to be but luch a fype as this other that was to fucceed lhould excell; and he accordingly therefore fhould raife his Members to a higher and more glorious Condition; fuch as Spirit in him raifed him unto, even above Soul, or that Eflatc which the Soul in Adams Earthly Body enjoyed. And upon this Ground the Apoflles Argument will fully hold, to prove tbe one, M well as the other: This being fuppofed, that it was as !Illlch the Holy Ghofl's meaning in thole words ofGenefis,to intend theone,as the other. And that was fo evidently thus,that the Apofile bath a recourfe to thofe words as a fufficient proof of what he faid : Which is founded upon this, that Types may be alledged for proof(when we are fure ofthe Holy Ghofl'• intendmenr in them, asPaul ( who had theSpirit , and wrore infallibly) here was ) as well as any other Scriptures, ft hath palfed for a received Maxim among fome Divines, tha!the Myflical Senfe of Scripture cannot be alledged to prove Matters of Faith; and that therefore all fuch Mytlical Signincations ferve only for Iliutlration: .fymbolica Theologia nihilpro~at, And this Axiom is ofufe againtl the boldnefs of them, .who turn all the Letter_into Myflic!il meanings, net from any warrant from Scnpture, but out of thetr own Fancies , where rhey fouHd things that had any mutual refemblance. But when we know,and are affured, that the Holy Ghofl bath made a thing a T ype, and know. his meaning therein, we may as boldly, warrantably, and efficacioully alledge it asany Literal Text whatfoever. Forfo thac which is faid of the PajChaJ Lamb , Exod, 12, that the bo1zts wer~ 1101 to 6t broken; this being the T ype , it is fa.id, John 19. They brake not hss Leggs, that the Scripture mtght 6t ft~tjilltd, (§c. So the ll.poflle alledgeth a Type , 1 Tim, ) . I]. I 8. where urging the duty of honouring thofe who tabour i11 the word, he fays , [ For it P'd ., •• . u wrilten , thou /halt not muzzle the Ox that treadeth out the ,:,b:.,,~:d.~~ Corn,) 9'· Nmn. To-return therefore to the matter in hand; obferve we farther , That the Apofile not only hath recourfe to thefe words in Gmtfis for his proof, but is bold to add_ to the ~ext, (and to ~he Literal .Senfe there , toannex the My- .• tlical meamng, as tf 1t were therem as much tntend_ed as the Ltteral ) fa ying, The tafl AdamwtUmade a qtucbtwg Sptrtl : ( wh1ch words are not in the Text inGenrjs. ) For he knowing this to be the Holy Ghofl's aim in thofe words concerning A dam, fupplied it (as if it. were in the Text, and a Jlart of what was written ) fo to make up the Senfe and meaning full and corn– pleat. 2.. And fo I come to the fecond Head propounded, which from what hath been lafl faid, rifeth naturally up unto us, as the General Dodrine of thi~ Scripture, namely, that former Affertion, That Adamw.u i11tmded by God 6tfore hu FaD, Ill oProphetzc~ Type of Chriflto come, _who tU a Heador pub– tzck Perfon, jhoutdadvm1ct hu Eldl to the ltk~ glortom C01zdJtto11 rtJ him· ftlf had i11 Heavm. Which Affertion, though it bath been the Natural Con– fequent of what bath been already {aid; yet it is further etlablifht unto us by thefe Confiderations out of the Text added unto the former ; r lhall make'out the Proofs of the whole, by proving each Particular by peace·meal and apart; and all out of the words of the Text. - As, r. That AdamWf14 Chrif/'s Type, is further evident to have been the Apotlle's meaning, in that hecalls Chrifl A dam, [ the Ill{/ Adnm ] of which ~her? IS no other R~afon but this, that h~calls him by the N ame of his T ype ; tt bemg ufual m Scnpture, to call the Thmg typ1fied by the Name of the Type. So