Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

78 Of tbe Creatuw, and the Condition ~o Cnrifi is elfewherc called the Htgb Prirjl, f§c. his BodJ the Templt,and his 13ooK H. Bloodthe Propitiation. . . ~ :>.. He mai<es Adam to have been <::hull's Type, a• he was ordamed a pub· lick Perfon or Head of Mankind ; and therefore he here calls Atlam, 1hr {irfl Man Adam. Now in what refped: or relation .was he the ftrfl Man l Not limply , as bein~ fir!\ in order, (as the Scripture means, when it fays, theftrjl day of thr Week) but as a common Root, who had received what he was, that he might convey it to all other Men: Which appears by the Oppofition, in that he calls Chri!l: the Jafi A dam, in the following word•, and the fecond Ma11 in verfe 47· And therefore, in relation unto Adam's typifying out of Chrift, he calls him the (irjl Man. Now if it had been fpoken in refped: of order, Cai11 was the jeco11dMa11, and God knows who fhall be the Jaf1, But this is fo fpoken of thefe two, as it God had made, and look't at two Men on. ly, for cverto be in the World, beeaufe he look't at them as including All, and as two Roots of All, who had all Men at their Girdles, as being both of them publick Perfons, fett6 convey what they were, and received unto their feveral l'oficritics. · ~ 3· He is made Chrifi•s refped: of his conveying the like Condition of Soul and Body, as himfelf had, to thofe that came ot him; in that Chrift fl10uld in like manner convey the fame glorious Q\lalilications which the Soul and Body received. Therefore, Verfe 48. it is faid, As Hthe earthy Adam fi•ch are thofe of him; and ,u is the heavenly Adam, (uch are his Elet1, eve~ ordained to be btavmiJ, like him. Thefe import liluntfs in the Q\lalificati· ons of their Perfons. And again, Vrr/e 49• it is faid, As Wt have 6orti the . Imagt of tht earthy, .fo we {ball ber_~r th~ lmsge ofthe heavmty, So that, in refped: of the Condmon and Glory of hts Perfon, he was a Type of Chrifi as well as in his Ad:ions. ' And in the fourth place, He was herein a Prophetick Type of Chrifi; not only a Natural.?imilirude that may ferve to illufirate, but as further intended by God to fore.fignifie fuch another[tcond Adam (yet moreperfed) as cer– tainly decreed by God for to come, .as that himfelf then was made a living Soul. For the manifefiation of this, (befides that which follows in the Fjfth Head, which makes for this alfo) there are thefe two .Things, evidencing it to us out of the words of the Text. 1. That the Apofile hath receurfe to Adam, and his Condition, as a Proof and Argument to make good this Affertion; That the Eled were to be ad– vanced in tbeir Bodies unro • Spiritual Condition in Heaven, by Chrifi afecond A dam, as a quicknitJg Spirit, becauleitwas writtenofthefirjl Adam, That he was madt a livil1g Soul. Now if Adamhad been but a Natural Type, by way of Similitude only, this had then been no Argument; for fuch Similitudes do illu!l:rate, but prove nothing. it remains therefore, that he muft necelfa· rily be a Prophetick Type, intended by God to fore.fignilie Chrifi to comt. Add to this, Secondly, The words of the 49th Ver[t,whieh are the Conclu· lion of his Argument, wherewith he winds up this part of his Difcourfe; af. firming out of his former Allegations, That as we have6ortJ the lmtJgeofthe E arthy, fo we {ht~IJ !Jare tht Image of the Heavenly Ada111: That is, as certainly the one as the other. He brings in this as an It;~ference that mull: certainly, and neceffarily follow : That a• we have born Adam's Image, we !hall alfo bear Chrifi's, He mentions it as a fupport for our Faith, to make ufe of, as a certain Predit\ion, thatthis other will, and mufi como to pafs: Whereas, had Adam, and his Condition , been only a Natural Type, or Si· militude , as unto which Chri!l: migl l be compared, and appear to hold Paral· Jel ; it could, nor ought not to have been thus far urged, It might indeed have been brought to help our Underfiandings, ,by way ofillullration toevince,how Chrifl might convey his like glorious State, even as Adam had done hi•; but it could not have been thu• alledged to help our Faith in it, by way ·Of de· monfiration and certain Proof, had he not been a Prophetick Type. And fur· ther, to confirm this, Let us but compare the words of the 48th Vtrfe, and thcfe in the 49th together, and we !hall difcern a very different ufe and im· provcmcnt