of their State by Creation. 79 provement made by the Apollle , In the 48th Verfe, he fays, ( fpeaking of W l A d,,m's Sons) As u iheEarthy, Jrtcharethey that are Earthy; tmd asu the Chap. \). Huwndy [:.eh are they alfo that are Heavm(y. .See how in thefe words he ~ makes ufe 'of Adam's Type and Condition but barely, as by way of lllufiration and Parallel ; (for ProphetiC!< Types ferve_alfo to illufirate, as well as Natural:) But not content with this , he further adds, that As we huve bom the Image of the Earthy~ w ejba~alfo bare the Image of the Heavmly. In which words he fpeaks a further tlung,than 10 the former,by way of Inference, affuring our Faith from our having born Adarn's Image, that we fhall one day mofi certainly bearChrill's alfoin Glory; he makes ufe of Adam's Type, as an Argument to confirm it ; and therefore it was more than a Natural Type, even aProphetick Type alfo. In the fifth and !all Place, I add to all this, That Adam, was thus appoin– ted and intended by God as a Prophetick Type of Chrifitocome, and this, be– fore his Fall; he then fore-fignifying Chrill to come, as here he is parallel'd with him, even to be a qt~icknitlg Spirit to this Elect, as certainly as himfelf - was thenmade a tivi11g Soul: For, 1. When was it, or wherein, that (according to what the Apollle here alledgeth of A dam ) he was Chrifi's Type? (If you obferve it) not in refpeCl: of conveying his finful Image, when fain, namely, the Qga!,fic ati– ons he had by Sinning, as the Corruption and Mortality of his Body, and Sin– ful Image on his Soul ; for though all that is faid here hold true of thefe, and may by implication be inferred from hence, yet thefe are not the things here fpoken of by the Apofi!e, but he is here brought in as the Type of Chrifl:, in relpeCl: of conveying that Image and State of Life which he received at his Creating , before his fall, as being then a Type of Chrifl: to come, as a Lord from Heaven. Foruntowhathewas, when he was at hisbefl:, even at the firfl: formation of his Body, and the breathing his Soul into it, thofe words here allcdged have reference; Adam '!JJIH [made ) a living Soul ; as appears , Gnu[. :2., 7· wherein notwithfl:anding he is here alledged as the T ype of Chrifl:. And indeed,therefore it was,that he conveyed that corrupt Image acquired by his Fall, becaufe he was ordained as a Common Perfon before the f all, to convey the Image in which he was Created. And there– fore it mufl: needs be, that he was a Type of Chrifi to come, as well before his Fall, as after; even as well, as that he was a publick Perfon before his Fall, as well as after, Secondly, It appears alfo, that he calls A dam his Type, as in his very firfi Creation he was, thefirf/ Man: and this, not only (as was faid) in relation to all other Men (his Sons) who were tofucceedhim, andinrefpeCl:ofOr– der in their fucceeding; but chiefly , in refpeCl: to this fecotld Man Chrifl, as Verfe 47, he calls him: and alfo the lafl Adam, Verft 41'· in relation to this firfl Mmt, and firfl Adam, as he is called. So that the Oppofition lhews,That thofe Titles given Adam, do bear relation unto Chrifi. Now as the Apofile argues ( He6r, 8. r 1•) out of the word [Newl Covenant, an Old Covenant to have been, which is now to-be abolilhed, [In that heJays a New, he bath made the firf! Old] So in that he calls Adam (even as the firfl:,when he llood up out of the Earch , and became a Man) the firfl Man, and that; (as the A– pofile explains h1mfelf) in relation to Chrtf/, as the fecond Man, it argues Chnfl: to ~ave been then, and as foon intended, For [firfl] and [ftcond ] are R.elanves, and Rflata (unt jimul Natttra; and fo mufl: be in God's De– crees. .And that, which further fl:rengthens this, is, That Phrafe [was madr J whtch m the ume pafi he attributes alike to both, he fays, So it ts writtm, ( refernng to Adam's Creation) the fir~ Adam [wa.r] made a tivi"g Sottl ; the /aft Adam [wa.r] madr a quicknmg Spirit: [peaking of both, with re– ference to-~be fame time pafl:; even when Adamwas made, or appointed,then was Chnfl: alfo appointed : So that, he was as ancient in God's purpofe, as the other ; and both, without any Confideration had to the Fall. Yea,