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of their Stttte by Creation. ( 8t fon, reprefcnting us, doth two difiind things for us : r, He, in our Nature,~ takes on him the form of a Servant, to Redeem us Jrom that Condemnation Chap.. 9· and Mif"Y which Adam's Fall hnd brought upon us : Wluch having finilbt ; ~ Then, 2 Jy, He affumes and puts upon h1s Human Nature that glorious Condition which was his due by Inhentnnce 10 the firfl momeot that he 1l10uld be made a Mao: and by virtue of <his Condition due to him by Inheritance·, he will be!low upon us, who are in him, the like Glory which was ordained himfelf. Now then, that work of Redemption performed by him under the form of a Servant,(whereby he frees and delivers us from that guilt and !:oodemnatioo into which we, through Adam't Fall, were plunged) and his refloriog us ro a flare of Jufiification of Life, through his perfect Obedience, this was typified out by Adam's Difobedience imputed ~o us for Condemnation, (as you have it Rom. 5.) And herem was Adam, ro the ev1l he brought llpon us, made Cluifi's oppofite Type, freeing us from all that evil, even to his fubduiog the Power of Death, the Jafl Enemy of all, which Chrifi did at his Refur- . rectioo. But then , in that other work, his befiowing upon us that Spiritual and Heavenly condition of Life, in a conformity to his own Perfooal Glory , after this work of Deliverance perfedly performed at the Refurrethon, (and which we receive, after all that Evil which Adam brought upon us, is reirioved olit of the way, ih this, C~rifl ha~ tor his Type Adam's Efiate and Condition be– fore his Fall, when at lus Creauooh7 was made a living Sout, aild Lord of tht Earth, to convey the f~me Pnvdedge aod Perfed10n he was created in, unto his Poflerity: And Th1s th1s Place hath held forth unto us. And fet but thefe thing~ in their due order and correfpoodency, and how fit– ly do they fuit and aofwer each to other! That fo far as Adam had fpo,Jed us by his Foll, fo far he ihould be the Type of Chrifl's re!loring us again : And then that his Primitive, Original Eflate which he had before his Fall, ihould be the Type of that glorious Efiate which we !hall have through Chrilt, aftef that Redemption of our Bodies in die Refurredioo compleated, as being in– deed their ancient and firfl intended Inheritance decreed unto them in Chrifl, as their Head, before the coilftderatioo of the Fall, but which Adam's fin falling out between, liad kept them from, and hitherto had Jetted , which (this fin of his being now by Chrifl firfl removed but of the way) they are then fiated in; how fitly and fuitably commeofurated and proportioned each to other are thefe two/ And to this p~rpofe, you may further obferve in this Place, ( which is a fe– cood Coofiderauoo) that the Apoflle doth here found that Heavenly E!late of ours to come, meerly upon that Glory due to Chi:ifl, as the Lord from Hta– ven, and this upon the foie and ftngle confideratiod of the Perfooal Union of that Human Nature with the Godhead, and therein ordained a common Per– foo to us, and noted out that other Phrafe, his being made a quickni11g Spi– rit; and that t6 us his Elect,_ that we may be made in a conformity unto him, he being ordained to that ':lmoo, and to that Glory,as a publick Perfoo, when– ever he lbould firfl a!fume 1t, and be made Man; even as A dam, in his very firfl Formation and Creation, was made a public!; Perfoo. And in thefe very refpeCl:s it is, that Adam is here made his Type, even before his Fall, in his firfl Creation, as bath been declared. All which, to me, do more than hint, if no~ clearly evince, (taking in all the former Coofiderations with it) thot this Spiritual and Heavenly Efiate which Chri(\ now hath in Heaven, and that Perfonal Union whereby he was made a quickning Spirit, was ordained and intended to Chrifl fir!\, appointed as a J>ublick Head; and fo to the Eled in him, before the confiderarion of the Fall, and that, limply, and abfolutely un• to the(ll, as confidered ifl maffil p11ra; and fo, that Adam's Fall, and Sin, and Death, and then thereupon Chrifl's Death and work of Redemption to re– move thefe, came in i~ the order of God's Elecrees, and were appointed but as Means to improve Chri!l, and to commend and fet forth his love the more un– to us, and alfo to render that Condition to which we were primitivelv in Chrifl ordainell, the more illuflrious and glorious by this D eliverance. And fo, all Chrifl's work, until this fpiritualizing of dur Bodies, was but the <a- . M ~g