of their State byCreation. illuflrious, But then, after he fhould have taken out of the way that which "'-.A../\ hindred his Members elected in him, from the Glory originally de6gned t'o C~ap.9. , them, and fo fhould thus firfl have made up what Adt1m had fpoiled, then~ fhould be himfclf firfl cafi offthat Vail or Condition of frm! Flefb; and endow the Human Nature with that Spiritual State ofBody,which was by a right oflnheritance infcparably, and immediately annexed 10 the Perfonal Union witll the Godhead: And then, by virtue of this, when he raifeth up bis Members, he will befiow on them the like Spiritual Eflate, wbich was alfo ordamed them , by an Inheri<ance (in being Members of him) as well as, by the Purchafe of his Death: And fo we come to have a double Tttle unto thu Glory;onc by Inhe1'ittJnce, through cur Eledion in Chrifl, which is this Original, Primitive Title, and before the confideration of any other in Gods intention; ahd another by the ']>urchafe of th,;t Death of Chrifl, which befides the refioring u~ out of that Efiate into which Adam's fin had plunged Us, does by an overtlow of merit purcbafe alfo this Life unto us: Therefore, Ephe{. 1. 14. tbis Glory is called, 011r Inheritance, as well as a Purchafrd Poffi.!Jion. And when Chrifi hatb thus raifed Us to this Glory, then, qnd not till then, are we refiored to what at our firfi Creation we were ordained to: And then, and not till then, did God (as it were) account Chrifi to have been begotten [This dar, havr I 6tgotttn thu; J It is fpoken ofhim in refpe~ ofhis Human Nature, ~na that, when Spiritualiz~d at his Refurredion; and 'tis fpoken by God, as if then firfi Chrifi were become that which he had primitively ordained him to be; As if, not untill that time; and fo, God reckons him0asit were) then anew Begotten; becaufe, not till then, did Chrifi's Condition anfwer, and become like to what, when he was firfi, as Man conceived in Gods Womb of Elellion by his Decree, he was appointed to be, And thus in like mlnner cloth God reckon Us, .to be fuch as he at firfi chofe us to be , when he chdfe us to be Men, and primitively intended to mske us in the end, (and for which indeed he ordained to Create us) not untill we be raif: d to the li[{e Spi· rim"l glorified Condition unto which, in._, and together with Chrifi, we toge• ther were ordained to be, And fo, all thatbefdl Us in finning, through Adam's Fall, and all that thereupon befell Chrifi in aifuring frail F!rjh , is to be lookt at as to hove been but m trmifitu, in the way (as 'P[al. 110. bath it) to this intended Glory; and to have been decreed (as alfo the Elects feveral Conditions in this World sre) as fubordinate Means appointed by God to make this his Primitive and firfi·intended Decree the more Glorious, and (as it were) to add a de'ep Shadow to it, fo tofetoff the lufire of it, V(e z. Admire we at that which the Angels fiand agafi at, namely the man1[otd wifdom of God in hu manifeflation! of him(rtf, as you have it, Ephef. j• 10. That being one of God's ends of revealing this Mvfrery ot Chrifi, thet the Angels might fee the manifold W1[dom of God ["''""'!"'"']many ways various, by reafon of thofe feveral w,ays God hath gone about to difco· ver hitrtfelf and his Son by. The Story of the World, and of the Creation of it, what a glorious Contriverhent was it, taken fimpl y alone in it felf; and how wonderfully did thefe vifible thittgr Jhew forth the invi(i61e things of God, his Wifdom, power, &c. and how Proud were the wifefi of the Hea– then, of their Contemplations and Knowledge ofits Story, whiles they fcarch– ed out the hamiony, and thefecrets of thi5Vifible Frame! The Angels, who were made the Fid\ Day, as mofi conceive, with the Heavens, or the third day, ~s Pifcator, whilfi they frcod by as Spectators to behold how God, by degrees, finifhed this Fabrick, and out of the Chaos drew the Elenients, the flrfi Lines and ruder Draught of all things vifible; and then faw him proceed togarnifh, embellifh, and adorn thofe void (paces; the Firmament witll Sun, Mcon, and leifer Stars; the Air with Fowl; the Earth with lk>fis, .Herbs, ~c. and the Water with Fifhes i and iafi of all, brought fo1th Mrm, t he Lord of aH, ,tnd made him little lower than thrm(elves, beiil'g Crowned wirh glory and h•- • '~Jr,and (as it were) the Epitome of all; how did tlli< Cborr/4, ~i' 0!Jrr, fhoO'rout in joy and admiration at the end of every .~a, and new Days work! Or to ufe the Metaphor which God ufeth in ,7ob J8. 4, 5', 6. where he fpeaks 10 the Language of an Archite<'l:, to exprefs how he reared M2 this