Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of their State bj Creation. ~d and difceroed by them; How much more. of WifdomJaw the Angels~~ m it, who faw htm that was the Ftrfi Mover and Creator of all therein~ ChJip.g, . But there is yet a further Myfiery in the Story of it , even Jl Great My- ~ fiery therein couched, The Moral of all being Chrifl the Wifdom of God, whom to illufirate, all the Creatures are. not fu/Iicient to be Similitudes nor Man the Glory and Epitome .of them, fit to be his Type; Here i; Wifdom hid in Wifdom, a Myfiery in a Myfiery , a World in a World; And all this World and Adarn the inhabiter ot: it, are but as the fwadling- · Clouts of h1m,. who was once a Babe and lay 10 a Manger. · • '> C H A P.