86 ~ BooK If. ~ Of the Creaturer, and the Condition CHAP. X. A more particular Comparifon between Adatn and Jcfm Chriftin their Perfons: The Formation of Adam'1 Body by God'1 immediate Hand, typifiu the A/Jump– tion of the Human Nature by the Son of God, whofe Body w!H formed immediately by the Holy Ghoft. The Vnion of Soul and Body in Adam, typifier the Hy– poftatical Vnion. In what there it an Agreement iu the Comparifon between them; wherein aDifParity. What WIH the fiate of Adam's BrJdy: It compri;_ed the Per– [efliom of aU. Creatum: It WIH juited to ta~ in aU. the Pleafum and Comforu which they could afford : It had a Natural beauty in it: It WIH guarded from Injuries, and WIH Immortal; yet in its Original 'twtH but Eartb. It depended on the Creat~eres for it1 SubJifience, and WIH fobjef1 to many A!terationt. To what a higher degree of Glory, the Divine Nature of Chrift, united . to the Human, rais'd the Body of Ghrift , M he is One with God, and the Lord from Heaven. It was nece!fa– ry that the Glory of his Human Nature jhould excel aU. Creature!, even the Angeli them(elver. The glory of his Body w!H illuflrated by his 1ransfiguration on the Mount; andyet that feU. jhort of the Glory it bcu now in Heaven. HAving thus in the General demonflrated Adam to have been Chrifl's Type, I come now to lay the Particulars together wherein this Typi· calnefs confirled. For the fitting oi which, each to other, (as alfo concerning all other Types) I will promifc this Rule, which I take to be fafe and warrantable, That although, for what are Types, and what ore not, as alfo for t he General Scope intended in them , we murl find a fpecial warrant by the Holy Ghorl's own interpreting and applying of them, (as hath been faid) yet fo, as when once that Scope is found, we may for the Particulars wherein the Types agree with the things typified, take liberty (as in all other Simi– litudes) to enlarge them, and extend them as far, and to as many Particulars, as the likenefs will hold io, ( whilfl that we keep to t he Analogy of that their General Scope) although we have not an exprefs word for each particular part wherein there feems to be a refemblance. For which Rule there is both this R.eafon and Inrlance. The