88 Of the Creatures, and the Condition ~ which is mol\ cxc.tlent in that Perfon, Spirit, or 1he Godhead, which is BooK !I. the Foundation of all that which. Chri!\ is made unto us. ~ Thirdly, That his Scope is, by Adam's Formation to fignifie the Affumption of the Human Nature by the Godhead, appears by verfe 47,wherc he calls the fir /I A dam but meer Mmt [the firfl Mau, &c.] but he calls Chrill (as the feco nd M all fo) the L ord (namely God) alfo, as being become God and Man. The~efore we may warrantably conclude, T hat to be the fir!\ thing ty– l'ified by Adam's Creation. Let us now fee how they agree. The fir!\ making of Adam a Matt, is defcribed in Two things : 1. The forming of his Body. 2. The breathing in, and uniting the Soul unto it; which together united, do make up one Perlon. Now the !arming of Adam's Body doth clearly ty– pifie out the Formation of _Chri!\'s Human Nature affumed: which whole Na– ture is accordtngly called hts Body; for fo, comparauvely to the Godhead, it may be called. Thus, He6r, 10. )• aBody haft thou jittrd mr ( that is, an Human Nature ) fays Chrifi there, of his coming into the World, And the Agreement lies in two things : 1. Adam's Body and Chrifi's do agree in this, That .Adm1/s Body was im: . mediately formed by God himfelf, without Man's help,he being thejirjl Man. It was God whofalhioned his Body, whereas it is vu plaflica, the formative Faculty that doth it in ours, begotten of him, And fo Chri!\'s Body affumed, is alfo fa id ( Hebr. 9· 1t.) to be a Tahrnactr not madr with hands; not by the help of any Creatrrre, not by Generation, as ours is, but immediately by God. And, 3dly, As God formed the Body of A dam, even as a Potter cloth mould or fafhion his Clay, (as the word denotes) and as God did this imme– diately, even fo the Holy Gho!\ did Chrifi's Body. That word in Hebr.Jo.). which we tranllate [fittedmeJ fignifies alfo to articulate, or form joy•m by joynt ; [..,,,;,] And the Hebrew words in P[atm 4o.(fromwhence this is ta– l>en) which we tranflate [My ear hafl thou bored through] as having allufion unto the Servants under the Old Law. Grnebrard fnys that the Ear is by a Sytteehdoche put for the whole Body; and that which we Tranflate [perfodiflt] is rather [fodicafli] to fafhion with the hmtd, as a Potter doth; and fo the Apo!\!erendersit, [a Bodyhajlthouformed (or fitted) mr. TheHolyGhoft therein fupplyed that which the Pla!\iek Faculty doth in our Conception (con· li!\ing partly in the Seed of the Man, and partly in the Nature ofthe Womb;) and this, that fo (;hrifr might be 6om without fin. Therefore, 4thly, As Adamwas without Father and Mother, fo was Chrifl alfo; who He6r. 3· 4• is therein made like unto Melchifrdrch; but he is much more like to Adam, who herein was a more perfect Type of Chri!l than Melchtjedech was: For Melchifedech's having no Father nor Mother, was not that he had none indeed, btlt that in Scripture None were recorded ; as ap· pears by ver(e 6. But Adam really had no Man to his Father, nor Woman to his Mother: He was not born from the Conjunction of Man and Woman,which ·Melchifedechwas. Fifthly, As Adamwas in apeculiar manner (in refped: of his Formation) the Son of God, and t~at; in fuch a ref1'ect.as other men are not; ( for Lttke 3• whereas others are m that Genealogte fard to be the Sons of fuch and fuch Men (as Enoch the Son of S.th, and Seth of Abraham) Adam is faid to be the Son of God, vrrjezdt, becaufe he WQs his Son by i!flmediate Creation, which they were not; who yet in another refpect, mamely, as they were Elect, were Adopted Scns of God). This typified that Chri!\, even as having affu– mcd an Human Nature, was in a tranfcendent manner God's Son; even as he was Man he was God's Natural, (not Adopted) Son: For ellt there had been two Rdations of Sonlhip in that Perfon ; the Perfon being the Subject of that Relation, cot the Nature, So Luke 1. n·. becaufe the Holy Ghofl fba/1 comr rlpo11thee, therefore that holy thi1;~ which fba/1 be 6om of thee, jbttfl 6e ea/. led thr Son of God: that is, fo the Son, as no man elfe: The onlyh~o/fell Son tif God, John l; 16. · H. In