oftheir State by Creation. ------~---------- ~ 11. In the Second Place, The Uniting of the Soul and Body together(which Chap. 1 o. was done at that 6rMthingof Life into him )fo as, they both made one Man,~ and the fir{I Adam (o became a livmg SQtt/; this. of all things, doth the moi1 lively (et forth the Hypo!lat1Cal limon of the D1vme and Human Nature. And fo 1find all Divines acknowledge, that the nearei1 Ini1ance that can in Nature be found, of this Myi1ery, is therein held forth. And thertfore; 1 Pet.>· 1 8. the Human Nature of Chri!l is called Flejb, and the Divine Nature, SpJnt ; which, in the very nameing of it, fcems to bear an allu!ion to the Soul or Spirit in Mtm, conjoyned with his Body and Fleih. And it feems a fair In– terpretation which is given by fome, of that Place [ ---.- The fuiHefs of tht Godhead dwells bodily;] that is, by a more near nnd firm Union, than a Mans Soul cloth in his Body; as fpeaking by way of Similitude to illui1rate this. And fo I find the School-men labouring much, to thew how nearly this Infiance refembles it: As Th•m. Aqu. Lib. 4· cont. Gent. cap. 4t . And Athan,ifiUJ in his very Creed, raketh up this Similitude of all others, to exprefs it. But . I didnotthink to havefound fuch a Ground in the Word, to have made this the 1)'peof it, as this Place holds forth. For, 1. Contidering the di!lance that is between the Reafonable Soul ( a Spirit immortal, more glorious than the Sun, but a i1ep infcric·ur to the An– gels, bearing Gods Image in its Subflance znd Faculties, and cap~ble of Ho– lmefs) and a piece of Earth, that that lhould dwell in, ondinform this; the conjoyning of two fuch Extreams bei1 refembled the limon of the Divine Na– ture with the Human, God with Man. The Angc s, they are Spirits With· out Bodies ; and the Souls of Beai1s are but Earthly, like the Bodies which they inform, and indeed, the Spirits of Elements only. Secondly, The nearnef.~ of their Union does yet further help to refcmble it: For this Soul dwels not in Bodies, as a Man in • Houfe, or as Angels did in Bodies affumed, to move them, (lie. but is conjoyned to them as a Form, that together with rhe Body, makes up a Perfon; whereas the Souls o;Beafls, though they make a Nature, yet not a Perfon. And as the Rational Souls Union, fo this Union of God and Man makes one Chrii1, one Per· fon. Thirdly, The fuper·eminent manner of Subftfling, that this Soul bath in the Body , is the highei1 refemblance of that of the Godhead in an Humon Na– ture, Other Soul• have tbeir Being from the Matter; they are extracted out of its Paffive Power, as Spirits of Wine are, out of Wine: But this is Gods Breath, and is from without: And in the Body it is Stmi-Per[orJfl , it is not that only q11o fit6Jzjlit, but q11od: Other Forms are but Prin'ciples of the whole, this is more; it can of it felf Subli(l; only whili1 it is in the Body, it Subfi£ls after another manner, namely i11 aBody: Therefore, Mens Souls are faid to give an accou11t[or what was dotJe in the Body: And it can Subltft, when fevered from the Body, which the Souls of Beai1s canaot, Ecclej; 12. 7· It moreover bears the Name of the whole : Therefore Chri£! arguing the Immor– tality. ofthe Sotll, faith, that Abraham u alive; thatis 1 the Soul of A6raham;for God " the God of the LivitJg, (lie, Thus the Second Pcrfon is a Perfon of himfelf, whoSubft(\ed before a Body was affumed; ] Before Abraham w,u I am;] and when this Perfon Subftlls in theHumm Nature, it is the fame SubtiOence that before,only he takes aBody up unto himfdf to partake of his Sub!i£lence, Fourthly, As the.Body is but the Souls In£lrument (its M~mbers are called Weapons or Tools he ads by, ( Rom. 6. 'l·) Neither yield ye )'Ottr Mem6trs as 111jl~ummtsof ~tnrightrotlj1Jefs tmto fin: B11t yirld ; •ottr [elves unto God, Mthoje that art a!i7Jr from the dtad, tmd your M embers as iltflrummts of rtghttoujilf{s tmto God. And the Sheath thereof ( 'D.111. 7• · 1 )·)I Doniel wtUgrJtved 111 my Spirit in the midfl of m~ Body, and t he vifions of my he.1d troubled me. And its Houfe of Clay, ,1ob 4· 19. How m~Jch lefs 011 t!um th.Jt dwt U t u hofl{ts tif Cl.•y, who{e Formdattoll i! i11 the d11f1 , which are crtJjhedbefore the moth, Such is this a!fumed Body unto the Godhead,which many Interpret that place of, The Flejh profitetb nothing, 6tll tht Spirit N quickneth